Blobs of Popcorn

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I need to offer all of you my deepest heartfelt apology for not updating in centuries. My family and I just moved and we didn't have internet for a week so that was a pain. This chapter is a tiny bit longer than normal so I hope that kinda makes up for it.

Well, I hope you enjoy the chapter and in the words of Olympia, keep on keepn' odd!  

Phones, phones, and more phones. A cacophonous chorus of calamity met my ears. Man, I love alliteration. It just makes describing a situation way more fun, you know? Ok, ok, I'm getting off topic. Back to phones.

The phones in the maintenance worker's office where literally ringing off the hook. Why one maintenance worker had over a hundred phones in her office was beyond me. I mean this is Odd Squad after all but still, there is a fine line between odd and just plain crazy (actually Otis believes that there's a very thick line between odd and crazy; I almost agree with him). 

In desperation, Otis and I rushed to the nearest phones we could lay our hands on and began answering them. I was barely listening to what the shouting voices on the other end were demanding of me. I had now come to the realization that I had no skills in this area of work. If only it would all just stop. 

There was too much noise, the ringing, the shouting of the people on the phones, me shouting back at them, Otis shouting into his phones. My stress levels, which had been climbing steadily ever since I got this job, peaked and out of pure helplessness I hung up the phones that had been yelling at me and turned to Otis.

My mind was desperately trying to concoct some reason as to why we were being made to suffer through this. Why had the day been so normal and then so full of ringing phones? No, this was too weird to be my life. Too weird...wait that was it!

"Partner, I figured out how to fix this."

Otis looked eagerly at me, "How?"

"All I have to do is wake up." It was so simple. I couldn't believe I hadn't seen it before. Whenever strange things like this happened only in an out of control fashion it was usually because I was having a nightmare.

Otis, however, didn't seem to understand, "What?"

"This is a nightmare. This is a nightmare." I gestured to the hideous phones surrounding me. "This is a nightmare." I looked straight at him and before I could stop myself I blurted out, "You're a nightmare!" I hated to admit it, but at that moment considering everything that had happened in the last few days, I almost, pretty much, totally meant ever word of it. I had taken Ms. O's advice and tried to act normally toward him but in stressful moments like this, I couldn't help myself.

A loud beeping buzzing noise sounded overhead and this seemed to confirm my suspicions, "That's my alarm clock now. I'm probably asleep at my desk. This is going to feel so good when I wake up."

Ms. O popped out of thin air (I'm almost positive she has teleportation powers although Otis says she's just really fast) and crushed my dream theory, "That's not your alarm clock. That means headquarters is about to self-destruct."

Self-destruct? This couldn't be happening. Otis seemed to be thinking the same thing and we glanced briefly at each other before yelling a unified "WHAT?"

Ms. O, in turn, looked both of us in the eyes, "Tell me you've been pressing the un-self-destruct button every ten minutes?"

Again Otis and I spoke at the same time (I love it when we do that) "No."

"It's in the south control room. Let's motor."

To make a long story short or shorter at least, Otis and I crawled through a sea of popcorn and using our truly incredible math skills (not to brag or anything) were able to press the un-self-destruct button before everyone was blown to pieces. I have to admit, it was pretty awesome. Stressful because the fate of Odd Squad rested in our hands, but still awesome.

(Odd Squad Otis and Olympia Fanfic) The Perfect PartnerWhere stories live. Discover now