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Ruby's pov

I don't know how long I have been out but it feels like forever. My eyes are heavy and my body feels like it weighs a ton. I am laying on something cold and hard. I finally get my eyes open to see a celling made of concrete. I sit up but really slowly because my body feels heavy and like it's on fire. I look around to see metal bars. I look to my right to see a girl not just any girl the girl that Yang fought on the train and who we saw when fighting Roman and the robot. She looks up and sees that I am awake her eyes widen. She slowly gets up walking closer to me. I get up on my knees when she finally gets to me she slowly reaches out and pushes me back down.

"What do you want with me?" I say sternly trying not to show any anger. She just looks at me with a smile.

"Neo, is our guest awake yet?" I hear a man say in the distance but that voice sounds familiar. I notice a shadow coming closer to the cell. The shadow becomes a man, then I recognize his voice, Roman. I look at the red haired man. I can see he's wearing his signature coat and hat. To complete his outfit the cigar and the cane he just looks at me with a grin.

"Little red, little red how have you been how's the family." He say's sarcastically.

"If you let me go I can see them." I say with a bit of sass in my voice.

"No can do red, you see, where you fall I gain so I'm gonna keep you here until I feel like I don't need you anymore." he says with a grin. "Neo, I have to finish some things do what you wish with her just don't kill her got it?" He says sternly. Neo just looks at Roman with a grin then she slowly walks up to him and hugs him. " Alright, I know you're excited but remember no killing". She gives him a nod then looks at me. I look at her with an expression of fear.

"What are you gonna do to me." She looks at me and slowly walks towards leaning down so her mouth is next my ear.

"You'll find out soon enough little one." She says her voice sounding sweet and innocent. My head immediately starts to wonder how Blake is doing she must be worried. I am snapped out of it by a slap across my face.
"You're not going to be thinking of anything but me red". she says quietly.

Blake's pov

We had to leave the forest and head back to Beacon. I didn't sleep the night Ruby disappeared and I haven't sleep still it's been about three days. My team is trying to get me to do anything but I can make my self-get up like my happiness is gone altogether my drive to do anything gone with her. My once golden eyes now look like a dark yellow with bags hanging below. I haven't eaten either so Yang tries to force feed me to no avail. Ozpin has excused me from my classes so I can get my self together. Team JNPR came by to check up on me but I just sit there not even giving them a glance. They eventually give up and leave wishing me luck and if there is anything they can do. I was laying in my bed one night and Yang what's to talk to.

"What do you want Yang?"

"You can't just mope around about Ruby she's my sister but you don't see me crying and ignoring everyone."

"Tell me, Yang... What if it was Weiss, instead how would you feel"?

"I... I would feel cold and lonely like I am missing something. Like my other half is missing."

"That's how I feel. I feel like when I left the fang cold and lonely they were my family until I meet you guys".

"I unde..." Before Yang could finish her sentence a knock on the door. Yang walks over and opens it and the person standing at the door was professor Ozpin.

"Hello, girls may I have a word." Yang just gives him a nod and he slowly walks in.

"Hello, professor what brings you here?" Yang says while I remain silent.

"Well, I have some news for you."

"What might that be." I finally speak up.

"We think we found Ruby."

Narrator's pov

Ruby is just sitting there her first chance to sleep in days but can't. Her face has been beaten, both eyes black. Her face cut up not deep enough to cause damage but to hurt. Both arms are broken the same with her legs, and both lacerated to make sure she cant move. She has eaten but whatever they give her is usually thrown up an hour later from getting hit in the stomach. All her wounds would normally heal but they have drained her semblance by putting it through so much stress with no rest. The only thing keeping her from fully breaking is the thought of Blake coming to rescue her from this place.

Ruby's pov

My body it feels heavy and it hurts when I try to move. I just sit here till they come back the only reason they stopped is they had something better to do. I finally close my eyes when I hear footsteps coming from around the corner. 

"Well, red I think it's time to continue our little game don't you think?" Before I can respond he hits me with his cane.
"There are those who want to play the hero and those who play the villain... the hero always dies in the end and the villain will always lie, cheat, and survive so how about you fall over dead like any other huntress in history." I finally feel him stop hitting me. To see the girl I have come to know as Neo standing there.
"She's all yours I have some unfinished business to attend to". Roman finally walks away leaving me with her.

"Lay down red before he gets back," I thought I didn't hear her way that.
"Why are you bring nice".
"Because I want out."

Authors note
So this isn't as Long as I want it but you guys deserve a chapter. Don't forget to leave commentsso I can see what I'm doing wrong or not. Thank you

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