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Ruby's pov
The sound of an explosion goes off and the first thing I see are White Fang scrambling around to get to their posts.
"Ruby" I hear to my left. I see Neo and Roman walking towards me.
"What do you want" I say in a cold tone keeping up the act of I don't know what's going on.
"Ruby Romans with us so you don't have to be so rude". Neo says flatly.
"Oh sorry Roman" I say sincerely.
"Don't worry about it Red and ...I'm sorry about everything". He says apologetically.
"...so what's the plan"? I ask.
Roman speaks up "find your friends and get the hell out of here and hope they don't kill me or Neo". I nodd my head.
"Lets go the sound came this way". Neo says and we all start running down the corridors. We have been running for awhile and I see a fimilar black hair and bow. I use my semblance to run to her. "Blake!" I scream as I slam into her and we both fall to the ground. I look into her golden eyes while we continue out embrace.
"R..Ruby is it really you" she says with a quiver in her voice. I don't say anything I just nodd my head and hug her tighter.
"Sis your ok" Yang screams.
"Of course I would be but it's thanks to them" I say pointing to Neo and Roman. Yang and Blake follows my finger. That's when Yang goes berserk and attempts to charge Neo.
"You guys I'll kill you" she screams. Before she can move I get in her way.
"Stop Yang" I say with authority in my voice.
"Why should I they kiddnapped you" she counters.
"Because I'm bringing them to Ozpin they helped me escape they don't want to do this anymore" I say slowly. Yang looks at me halfed convinced.
"Fine but I'm watching them closely." She says glaring at Neo.
"Now that we got that settled can we go now". Neo says. We all nod out heads and make our way to the airship, and make the long journey to Beacon.
Time skip 7 hours
I wake up to see Weiss leaning her head on Yang's shoulder. I look to my left to see Neo on Romans lap sleeping. That's when the whole airship lurched forward throwing everyone to the floor. Moans of protest and irritation can be heard throughout the cabin. That's when the intercom comes on.
"Welcome to Beacon and we apologize for that landing..have a good rest of your day". Before the intercom shuts of I swear I heard him chuckle.
"Well that's one hell of a way to wake up". Romans says trying to lighten the mood.
"Alright everyone I'm going to take Roman and Neo to Ozpin I'll meet you later" I say leading the two excons woth me.
An: so long time no see ill like to thank my Beta a Mr.Mothgoji for making sure I get this don't forget to leave a comment on how you think things should go or if you just want to say this thing is terrible until next time I'm a DrunkenBranwen

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