001: carnations

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Spring was always a good time to be a florist; a time of blossoming meant that there were plenty of flowers and plenty of customers. Spring was the time of year when the small flower shop on the corner went to a particularly great amount of effort to make sure it was able to supply flowers for all occasions, as Spring was typically associated with birth and flowers and it seemed to encourage more customers. Baby boy? Chrysanthemums. Asking that pretty girl in class out on a date? Tulips.

The flower shop was always cheerful-looking during Spring, with its stands filled with colourful flowers and a perfume floating on the breeze. It drew people in, people who wouldn't normally consider buying flowers would suddenly realise the need for them in their lives. Business, like the flowers and many other things, would be blooming. But because of this, the two florists often found themselves wishing for a third pair of hands, a little trainee florist who could do all the smaller jobs while they took the bigger ones. They'd advertised the fact that they were hiring, but neither had anticipated how fussy they would be in regards to who would be their apprentice.

"I think he's just after the money, no love for the flowers." The older of the florists, Seokjin, said as their last applicant left and they reviewed their notes and his résumé. He groaned as he stretched his arms over his head. "I don't like him."

"He answered the questions too strategically, like he was telling us what he thought we wanted to hear." The younger florist, Taehyung, responded, tapping his pen against the open page of his notebook. Although the applicant hadn't realised this, he hadn't actually taken any notes during the interview. All that was on the pages was a flower, scribbled in blue ink, that stretched across the two pages. He'd been bored; the man hadn't been able to hold his attention for very long. "When's the next interview?"

"Soon, I think." Seokjin flicked through his diary, stopping on that day's page. "Yeah, we have half an hour."

The pair sighed, slumping in their chairs simultaneously. They now resigned themselves to the fact that this was going to be a long day of interviews, although both would have much preferred to be out with the flowers.

Taehyung had got a job at Seokjin's shop back in high school, when he'd been in need of a place to work for work experience. His cousin had eagerly offered him the job, in need of an assistant just as much as he needed one now. The younger male had quite quickly discovered his cousin's passion for flowers was contagious and the work experience evolved into the part time job he had. While he was going to university, he figured he was just going to be working as a florist until it either stopped being successful or he retired.

The effeminate worker had been resting against the counter when the next applicant came in, lazily flicking through a magazine Seokjin had bought earlier that day. He looked up as the person came to an abrupt stop at the door, staring around at the multitude of flowers. His eyes widened, seeming surprised or amazed by something he was seeing. The lilac-haired man chuckled to himself and closed the magazine. The boy began to make his way towards the counter, walking slowly as he took in all the flowers on his way past. He paused at one particular flower, his interest evidentially caught.

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