012: hyacinth

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Jungkook woke early, not sure when Taehyung was going to pop up. He made sure he was dressed and ready to go, so that the older male wasn't waiting around for him when he did come to grab him. But he overestimated his friend's earliness and then spent the following few hours sitting at the breakfast table, overthinking his day's plans. He ended up eating two lots of breakfast in an attempt to distract himself, but this only resulted in a feeling of queasiness to sit in the pit of his stomach.

When the quiet rapping of a fist against the door finally came, Jungkook was filled with so much anticipation he almost fell from his chair before sprinting to the door. He pulled it open, revealing a mildly startled Taehyung. The effeminate male quickly regained his composure and his ever present smile spread across his pink lips. Jungkook stood there for a moment, his mind suddenly blank despite the many times he'd played through this interaction in his head.

"H-Hi." He choked out, needing something to fill the (what he thought was) uncomfortable silence. His gaze travelled down Taehyung, amazed at how good a boy could look. He'd never been attracted to boys ― sexually or romantically ― but there was no denying that the one standing in front of him looked good. It was probably just his femininity, Jungkook brushed it off; the femininity was hitting his weak spots. "You look― Your clothes look nice."

"Thanks. I like your clothes too." Jungkook dropped to look at his own clothes ― white shirt, jeans and Timberlands. Nothing he would call particularly exciting.

"Thank you."

"So, are you ready to go?" The older male asked after a few moments of awkwardly staring at each other. The brunette quickly nodded, stepping out of the house and quietly closing the door behind him. His parents and grandmother were still asleep, but he'd explained to them the night before where he'd be.

For that time in the morning, it was surprisingly warm. Jungkook was glad he decided not to grab a jumper when he dressed this morning. Despite the previous day's weather, the sun was shining brightly and not a cloud could be seen. It seemed like a good day to be playing ― as Taehyung said they were doing ― with puppies and kittens. He wouldn't want a wet, muddy dog to be jumping all over him, like one might have done if they'd gone yesterday.

"Did you have breakfast?" Taehyung asked as he skipped beside the younger male. He spun around, walking ahead of Jungkook so he could look back at him. The brunette nodded, his stomach still feeling full. The lilac-haired male did a little skip, still walking backwards, and Jungkook was sure he was going to fall soon. "That's good. I did too. I went to this bakery near my house and got a scroll ― it was good. What did you have for breakfast?"

"Uh, I had two slices of toast and an omelette, and then I reheated some of last night's dinner and picked at that." He patted his stomach. "I felt full afterwards."

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