002: daffodils

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Jungkook was feeling incredibly nervous for the first day of work, so nervous, in fact, that he'd barely slept that night and now he was struggling to finish his breakfast. The omelette he'd made lay on the plate before him, looking unappetising despite the boy's usual liking of the egg. He had a lump in his throat and he was pretty sure there were more than just butterflies in his stomach.

He quickly realised that trying to eat breakfast was a lost cause and chucked what remained of his omelette out, sighing at the waste of food. He continued on with the usual routine of getting ready to greet the outside world: having a shower, getting dressed, making sure he had everything he was going to need during the day. It all went by quicker than he'd expected or hoped and soon he was walking out the door, still trying to figure out if it would be quicker to walk to flower shop or catch the bus.

His decision was made for him as he watched the bus drive past and he sighed. At least, he thought, the walk to work ー he was still unused referring to it as that ー would allow him to try and get rid of a large majority of his nerves. Or at least he hoped, and if his past experience with hope was anything to go by then he was probably going to be just as nervous when he arrived as he was now.

The small budding flowers that were cropping up in all the gardens Jungkook passed just reminded him of what he was heading to, and the fact that he really had no clue what he was doing. He wasn't sure what had possessed him to apply for a job as a florist ー most likely sheer desperation ー but he had and now he was going to be working there. He gave himself a week, if that, before they realised how bad an idea choosing him was and fired him.

Jungkook arrived at the shop just on time, having had to sprint the last few metres to make sure he wasn't late. He stood outside the shop, cheeks flushed as he tried to catch his breath. He'd been slacking off in his exercising, and now he was regretting it.

"I need to start working out again..." He muttered to himself as he turned to the shop, slowly opening the door. Once again he was taken aback by the myriad of flowers and the strong mix of perfumes that washed over him like a tsunami when he entered. It took him a moment to collect himself, as he wondered if he would ever get used to the smells.

Taehyung stood at the counter, sipping a takeaway coffee (Jungkook assumed it was coffee) as he read a magazine. Jungkook frowned as he approached him, still unable to wrap his head around the fact the effeminate male wasn't a girl or transgender. He looked like a short haired girl with his thin frame and feminine features. The younger would just have to take his word that he wasn't

"Hey Jungkook, ready for your first day of work?" Taehyung asked cheerfully, too cheerfully for this early in the morning, when he noticed Jungkook. He played with the rim of his cup, a slender finger slowly tracing the edge of it.

"No." Jungkook said before quickly laughing, trying to play it off as a joke. Thankfully Taehyung seemed to think it was one and chuckled as well.

"Now, I'll basically be teaching you everything, Seokjin has some business thing he has to look after. I'll just show you everything you need to know, and some stuff you don't ー like the flower's meanings and stuff. They're nice things to know but not necessary. Just give people a pretty flower and they're generally happy." Taehyung shrugged as he lifted the cup to his lips, taking a sip of the coffee (it was definitely coffee, Jungkook could smell it). A bit of the froth accumulated on the top of his lip but disappeared after a quick flick of his tongue. "I also have a smock for you, so that the dirt doesn't mess up your nice clothes, and a name tag. Come."

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