029: yew

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It's Taehyung who made the first move, intercepting the younger male on his way out one evening. Seokjin had left early, having a dinner night with Namjoon to celebrate one of their anniversaries, so it was just the two of them in the shop. Jungkook hadn't bothered to make any conversation with the older male, and had spent most of the time on the opposite side of the room to wherever Taehyung was. But not now. Taehyung needed answers –– needed closure if this really was the end of their friendship.

"Jungkook, I know you've been avoiding me." Taehyung said, watching as the brunette shrunk back. He didn't look up to meet the older male's gaze, keeping his firmly on the ground in front of him. This caused a pang in Taehyung's chest, who just wanted everything to be alright between them. "What'd I do?"

"It doesn't matter. You didn't do anything." Jungkook muttered, wrapping his arms around his torso.

"Then why are you so distant? What happened?"

"I said it doesn't matter, okay? Just let me leave; I need to get home." Taehyung frowned, feeling stubbornness streak through him. He wanted answers. Now Jungkook was looking up at him, looking both annoyed and hopeful as he tried to get the florist to let him leave.

"Nope. Not until you tell me what's the matter."

"Nothing. It's none of your business anyway. Just let me go."

"As one of your friends it is my business when something's upsetting you." The older florist hadn't meant to raise his voice; he'd meant to stay calm and collected as he got answers. But when his voice grew louder by a fraction, the younger flinched back again. Taehyung caught himself, exhaling slowly as he tried to stop himself from getting too emotional. "I can tell something's wrong, Jungkook. I'm not blind. So why don't you just tell me now?"

"Nothing's wrong."

"If it's about me, don't worry. I'm a big boy; I can take it." Jungkook shook his head, lips clamped shut tightly. It was clear that, at this moment, the effeminate male wasn't going to get any answers. He sighed in defeat, stepping out of the road. "Fine then. If nothing's really wrong, you can go home then. Have a good evening."

The brunette hesitated for a moment, his feet seeming to be glued to the floor. But then he took a few steps forward, leaving with only a nod as a goodbye. Taehyung watched as he walked past the window, until he was out of sight. Then he closed up shop and returned to the back room.

For as long as he'd been capable of romantic love, Taehyung was pretty sure he'd never experienced a heartbreak. There'd been that one boy in primary school, but in hindsight the florist had never really been that emotionally invested in that boy –– that had just been a puppy love sort of thing. But now, as he sat in the back room, staring blankly at the table, he could feel the pang of pain in his chest growing in severity. It might've just been heartburn but Taehyung doubted it; this hurt too much for indigestion.

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