017: mauve carnations

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This time, it was Taehyung's turn to wear the bear suit. Watching him, Jungkook had to admit that the older certainly was better at it than he was. The florist more energy and was bouncing around excitedly, attracting more attention from the passersby. The sight nearly distracted Jungkook from his own job, as he balanced on the bike and watched Taehyung. He chuckled to himself. He was certain the older male would overheat soon and lose all this energy.

Jungkook's job soon began as he rode away from the flower shop. He was grateful for another relatively cool day ― in comparison to the previous days ― as it made the bike ride slightly easier. That being said, the sun bore down on his back to the point where it was almost painful and it didn't take long for sweat to start dripping down his back. He itched to scratch it but couldn't because he had to keep his hands on the bike. He couldn't afford to lose control and topple the bike again, not with the little arrangements in the basket at the front of the bike.

Jungkook rode all around the town, placing arrangements here and there and handing out pamphlets to anyone willing to take them. By the time he was done, his legs were like jelly and his shirt clung to his body. He sighed as he took a break, resting his bike against the wall.

"Hey kid!" Someone called out and he looked up. He frowned when he saw a man standing across the road, waving at him. The man was wearing a white apron covered with smears and had a platter in his hand. Judging from the fact he was standing outside of a butcher's, Jungkook assumed he was a butcher. "Hey kid, you look tired! Come over here!"

Jungkook warily made his way across the road, unsure of what to make of this. The male just stood there expectantly until the florist was beside him. Then, he held out the platter to him.

"Want a lamb skewer?" He offered. "You look like you've had a long day. Treat yourself to a delicious free lamb skewer."

"Uh... thanks." Jungkook responded as he took the skewer. He bit into it slowly, not taking his eyes off the man who was just as intently watching him back. To an outsider, this probably looked like a rather awkward interaction. For the two insiders, its awkwardness was rather subjective. "Is this poisoned?"

"No. I'm offended!"

"Then why did you give me this? For free?" The butcher frowned at the florist for a few seconds, a confused expression spreading across his face.

"Business, promotions, advertising ― it's just a freebie to get you hooked." He said, as though this was the most obvious thing. In hindsight, Jungkook realised it was. "You eat my skewer, you like my skewer, you come back for more and spend more money. It's simple, really."

"It's a good skewer." The younger admitted.

"Exactly! Now next time you need some meat for a party, who're you going to call?"

CARNATIONS, taekookWhere stories live. Discover now