015: bouvardia double

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When they returned to the flower shop, Taehyung had gotten his haircut short again. It only lessened his femininity a little, but it was enough to decrease the discomfort Jungkook felt when he saw him. A quick glance no longer made the younger think he was standing next to a girl ― now he was able to go back to recognising it as just Taehyung.

Seokjin had a pile of cleaning products when he arrived, leaving no question as to what the trio would be doing that day. He placed them on the ground with a sigh, giving a tired grin to the other two.

"Before we open the shop, it's the annual Summer clean up!" The oldest cheered with false excitement. While Jungkook watched the other two in confusion, the pink haired florist cheered along with his cousin. They seemed to get excited over the prospect of cleaning the shop, making the brunette wondering if there was something he'd missed. Then he noticed the hint of sarcasm in both their excitement. "You guys can do the outside, I'll mop up inside."

"You're making us do the windows? But that's the worst part! And it's outside." Taehyung exclaimed with a huff. Their boss simply nodded, holding out two buckets with all the equipment they'd need in them. Jungkook accepted his first before the pink haired male grudgingly took his own. They then headed out of the shop to begin their work.

It was a hot day that day, the sort where the heat bore down on the two males as soon as they stepped out of the air-conditioned shop. It didn't take long for sweat to start accumulating on Jungkook's body and for his cheeks to flush red. Turned from the sun to clean the windows, he could feel the back of his neck starting burning. He was beginning to wish he had sunscreen, or at the very least the fortune to be doing Seokjin's jobs at that moment. The oldest seemed to have it easy as he mopped the floors and made sure all the flowers were organised. He probably had other important jobs to do afterwards, Jungkook told himself, that meant he couldn't have too many cleaning jobs. Defending the older male didn't make him feel any cooler.

Taehyung trying to initiate the second water fight of their friendship did, however. The younger male had been so focused on trying to scrub a particularly stubborn piece of dirt on the window he stopped paying attention to his friend. This left him vulnerable and open, which he soon paid the price for ― if you considered getting a bucket of soapy water dumped on him a punishment. The cold water soaked him, and Jungkook wasn't feeling that upset about it.

But despite his gratitude for the coolness of the water, the brunette couldn't let his friend get away with that. He turned around and flicked his water-filled sponge at the older. It didn't quite have the same effect as Taehyung's bucket, but it was a clear challenge accepted. The tap was closer to Taehyung, unfortunately, and he grabbed that. Turning it on, he aimed it at the younger and blasted it at him. This earned a shriek from the other as the water hit him with a force he wasn't expecting.

Jungkook's sponge wasn't doing much to fight back so he picked up his own bucket. He threw the water at the older male, successfully drenching him. He laughed at the sight of Taehyung, even though he probably looked the same, if not worse.

What Jungkook didn't quite realise was the severity of how the water drenched him ― droplets of water fell from his hair and travelled down his face; his white t-shirt now clung to his body, leaving little to the imagination; and his shorts faced a similar fate to his shirt. Every muscle was outlined by the drenched clothing, and there were plenty of them. This caught the attention of the few passersby, who stopped to admire the scene unfolding in front of them. Two wet boys getting more and more wet with every second was definitely an appealing sight, even if one of them looked like a girl.

Noticing the group that was gathering near his shop, Seokjin looked up from the mop and watched them. He frowned, humming thoughtfully to himself as his mind began ticking. A way to increase shop revenue.


"We're getting promoted?" Taehyung asked dubiously after Seokjin approached him with the news. The older male nodded, a smile on his lips that the younger didn't quite trust.

"What brought this on?"

"I have a new set of jobs for you to do." The older said with a casual shrug. "I was watching you two have a water fight the other day and then it came to me: if we have some little promotions, we might be able to get some more people coming here. One of you is going to have to run around and leave these little flower arrangements I've made―"

"Won't they die in the heat?" Jungkook piped up, and Taehyung nodded in agreement.

"Don't tell anyone but they're fake." The oldest said as he reached into the box he'd brought with him. He pulled out a small pink flower arrangement, which had a little label with the shop's name, address and number on it. "So one of you will leave these in places while the other gets the fun job."

"What's that?"

Seokjin grinned as he reached into the larger box and pulled out a large bear head. "They get to dress up in this and hand out fliers."

"In Summer?" Taehyung exclaimed, his eyes growing wide. "We'll dehydrate!"

"Don't worry, I actually put some money into this. You'll have this whole cooling and hydration system in it ― Namjoon's in on the idea and he bought these things. He said the same thing when I told him." Their boss assured them, placing everything back in the boxes. He then clapped his hands together, smiling at the pair. "So, who gets what?"

Jungkook had the misfortune of losing three scissors-paper-rock's in a row, meaning he had to wear the bear suit. He could barely see out of it and almost crashed into two flower displays on his way out of the shop. Thankfully he had Taehyung to hold his hand, guiding him to make sure no collision occurred. Once they were outside, however, the older had to leave him to start his own job. This left the younger to fend for himself as he tried to get some attention from people walking by. He couldn't always see the people, which meant he had to be active at all times.

With the constant movement, it didn't take long for the brunette to heat up inside the suit. As Seokjin promised, there was a whole system inside it to make sure he was kept cool and he was wearing a jacket that was designed to help the cooling system as well as hydrate him should he get thirsty. The water wasn't the most nice tasting in the world, after sitting in the pockets for the time it had, but it provided some relief when he started getting thirsty.

At least, he figured as he danced around as much as the costume allowed, his efforts weren't going to waste. It was a good time of the day to be doing this, as students were passing on their way to school. The occasional group of girls would stop to get a photo of him, and he heard some of them walking off chattering on about how nice the flowers looked and how cute they looked beside the bear. Seokjin's plan seemed to be working ー the flower shop was getting attention.

But it didn't take too long for Jungkook to grow too hot in the suit. He pulled the head off, breathing in the fresh air before exhaling with relief. The air felt cool on his sticky skin and he took a moment to appreciate this feeling. Then he turned his attention to the gross, sweaty feeling that covered him. He could feel the itching sensation of a droplet crawling down the side of his face and the same itching covered the rest of his body that was still in the suit. He would have climbed out of the costume right then if he could, but he spotted some people approaching and had to put the head back on.

He was grateful for the smile on the bear's lips, because he doubted he would have been able to keep that constant level of energy himself. As it was his efforts were growing more and more tired as the time passed. When Seokjin came to relieve him of his job, he could have kissed the older male. But he didn't, because instead he rushed into the back room to discard the suit and cool down in the air-conditioned room.

note : I'm so tired

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