011: freesia

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Choosing what to wear was always the hardest part of Taehyung's morning. Over the years he had accumulated a decent collection of clothing and hadn't grown much so there was plenty of choice. Plus there was the additional stress of making sure everything matched and was co-ordinated. After a few minutes of contemplation, he decided to go with a cream sweater and tight black jeans. The weather report suggested it was going to be cool but for the most part sunny ― it looked like it was going to be a good day.

He stopped by the café on his way to work, getting his usual coffee and a muffin because he forgot to eat at home. The blueberry muffin was still warm when he bit into it and it was delicious, making him smile. He took his time getting to the flower shop, savouring his breakfast and the morning. Spring had reached its peak with flower petals scattered across the pathways and filling bushes and trees. Birds chirped as they fluttered around, adding to the serenity of the place. People were buzzing around him like flies but it was all background noise as he focused on the plants.

By the time Taehyung made it to the shop, he was probably late for work ― if they actually had set opening times and arrival times. His boss was already there, glasses perched on his nose as he flicked through a notepad. The sight made the younger smile, as he realised there was an opportunity for teasing. His cousin usually wore contacts, hating his glasses, so whenever the glasses were present Taehyung did his best to make the most of the opportunity.

"Hey Four-Eyes." he chuckled as he walked up to the desk, earning a quick glare from the older male. "My, what big eyes you have!"

"Shut up, Taehyung; the lenses aren't that big." Seokjin muttered as he turned the page over again. He pushed the glasses up the bridge of his nose, exhaling slowly. He then glanced at his watch, and let out another sigh. "I'm going to have to go soon, to the market. We have the stall there, remember?"

"Yep. Jungkook and I'll look after the place while you're gone."

"Actually I was thinking we could close up for the day. You two ― after Jungkook gets here ― can go to that festival that's on. Check out the flowers and all that."

"Really?" The effeminate male started to get excited, clapping his hands together. When his cousin nodded, he let out a little squeal and hugged the tired male. "Thank you, Seokjin! I take back everything I said about your glasses. They're wonderful glasses, and you're a wonderful human being."

The shop door twinkled as Jungkook stepped through, pausing as he saw the scene in front of him. Taehyung turned just in time to see a small frown appearing on his brow. He smiled at the younger male, waving enthusiastically.

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