021: gardenias

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"Surprise test: what's this and what does it mean?" Taehyung asked as he jumped out from behind a display, holding a pot above his head. He startled Jungkook, who was busy watering the plants.

"It's a striped carnation, used for rejection." The younger responded, getting a thumbs up from the older florist.

"Correct! Ah, I have such a good student." Taehyung cried happily as he placed the flower back down. He then pulled Jungkook close and hugged him tightly. "I'm so proud of you, Kookie, you're such a good florist."

"Taehyung, you're squishing me!" The younger choked out, struggling to escape the older's grasp. The effeminate male didn't let him escape, seeming to hug him even tighter. Despite his protests, Jungkook help but laugh as he futilely tried to push the older away. He tried letting his legs give out underneath him, dropping to the ground, but Taehyung only moved with him. This put Jungkook in an even worse position: he was now lying on the dirty flower shop floor with Taehyung wrapped around him. He was glad the clothes he was wearing wasn't particularly treasured or lightly coloured, unlike the rose-haired florist's. Dirt smeared all across his white shirt, but he didn't seem to mind much.

They were only broken up when Seokjin entered. Their boss didn't notice them at first, too engrossed in his phone to see his two employees rolling around on the floor. But then he nearly tripped on them, and that brought the pair to his attention.

"What're you guys doing down there?" He asked, tilting his head slightly. A small frown was beginning to appear, but for the most part he just seemed amused.

"Taehyung won't―" Jungkook was cut off by the older's hand clamping over his mouth.

"I was just showing Jungkookie how much I love him." Taehyung said, dropping his hand so he could hug the brunette tightly again.

"It doesn't look very comfortable..." Seokjin noted.

"It hurts..." Jungkook groaned. "He's hurting me, Seokjin."

"Love hurts, Jungkookie, especially this one." The older male simply responded. However, he did let the younger go and helped him back up to his feet. When they were both standing, he started dusting him off for him, before his hand paused on Jungkook's stomach. He stared at it, pressing down lightly. "I don't think I'm ever going to get used to your muscles."

"Oh... okay." Jungkook could say the same for Taehyung's effeminacy.

Once the older florist had decided that the younger was cleaned enough, he picked up a flower from behind him and placed it behind Jungkook's ear. Taehyung smiled at it.

"There, you look all nice now." The brunette pulled the flower out and looked at it. After a few seconds of inspection, he decided he couldn't recognise it and looked up to the older for help. "It's a gardenia ― it means purity and sweetness, amongst some other things, and convey joy. Usually they're just used to tell the person that they're lovely, and you are."

CARNATIONS, taekookWhere stories live. Discover now