010: peony

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Seokjin parked the van outside the wedding venue. Once the vehicle had stopped, everyone promptly jumped out and began unloading the van ー setting up the decorations. Hyejin was already there, instructing everyone else. She glanced down at her watch and sighed, realising she was going to have to leave and get ready for the big day. After muttering a few quick instructions to her soon to be mother-in-law, who was overseeing and making sure nothing went awry, the woman left the venue. The mother-in-law wasted no time taking over, proving to be a worse dictator than anyone could have anticipated.

"Those flowers are too close to the front, they'll distract everyone from the bride and groom." She would snap, pointing to a pot of flowers that had just been placed down. "No, those seats aren't symmetrical ー what are you, blind?" Countless commands and criticisms spilled forth from her lips. The other workers, movers and assistants, cowered beneath her, rushing to complete everything to her satisfaction.

The three florists just watched at first, already wanting to trade bridezilla back for this dictator. As the old woman bossed everyone around, Jungkook began to understand why Hyejin had been so desperate to please the in-laws. This woman seemed to be the type to disapprove of anything unsatisfactory ― and if Hyejin truly loved her fiancé then she would want the approval of this woman.

Eventually the husband-to-be showed up, freeing the workers from the his mother. He was a well dressed man ― although that was unsurprising given he was dressed for his own wedding ― and seemed more relaxed and happy than his mother and fiancée. He approached the trio after surveying the situation, smiling kindly at them.

"You must be the florists and decorators." He said as he shook their hands. "Thank you all for taking the job; you did a good job, the place looks great. I'm Shim Changmin." The three then introduced themselves, starting at Seokjin and ending at Jungkook. When the youngest introduced himself, Changmin's eyes widened. "Jungkook! I've heard a bit about you. You and Hyejin hung out a bit, right? You went with her to her appointments."

"For a bit. Sometimes she'd be in a rush when we were supposed to meet." The brunette shrugged, now slightly worried that maybe Hyejin had complained about him to her husband-to-be. He hoped not; he didn't want Changmin to think he was incompetent as well.

"Every evening she'd always fret to me about how rude she was to you. She was always worried that maybe you thought she was some cow or something." Changmin chuckled. "She's not, I swear, just the stress of getting married has been getting to her. So, on her behalf, I apologise, Jungkook, for anything she might have said to offend you."

"I-It's fine. She didn't say that much." Taehyung looked at the younger male, frowning as he brushed off something that had obviously been bothering him more than he let on. The older florist opened his mouth to speak up for Jungkook, but then he stopped himself. He realised that if Jungkook was willing to forgive and forget and brush it off like that, then it was none of his business to speak up.

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