014: acacia

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The few weeks of holiday passed quickly as Jungkook helped out around the restaurant. He didn't see or hear from Taehyung, and while he didn't want to admit it he was missing his friend. Jimin had come around a couple of times, but he was busy with school and spending a lot more time with his new friend. The amount the older male chattered on about the dancer put a pang of jealousy in his chest, but he couldn't hold it against his friend. Even he'd gotten distracted by his own new friend.

On one of the final days before Seokjin was due back, Mrs Jeon appeared up in Jungkook's room. This wasn't the most unusual thing that could have happened, but he wasn't usually bothered so something must have happened.

"There's a girl here to see you." Now this was something strange. Jungkook hadn't spoken to a girl in months, so for one to be visiting him was incredibly unlikely. The thought of his mother mistake Taehyung for a girl didn't even cross his mind until she continued, saying: "She says her name is Tae."

"Oh, Tae!" Everything made sense now.

"Is she a... a lesbian?" Mrs Jeon asked nervously, fiddling with the round earring that hung from her lobe. Her question made her son laugh.

"No, what makes you think that?"

"Well, she kind of looks like she might be one and I was just wondering... Not that I have anything against them but, well, you know."

"Yeah, I know. But Tae isn't a lesbian." Jungkook pushed himself out of bed, giving himself a quick once over to make sure what he was wearing was semi-decent. After receiving his approval, he smiled at his mother and told her he was going to go see what Taehyung wanted. She nodded and left him after that.

Jungkook could kind of understand why his mother might have thought Taehyung was a lesbian after seeing him. The florist's hair had grown longer, with the fringe tied up at the top of his to create a small little fluff of hair. It was also now a rose colour. The male wore a pale floral shirt underneath denim overalls. Maybe the overalls stereotype was what his mother immediately jumped to ― unless Taehyung said or done something else that might have given her that idea.

"Ah, Jungkookie! I've missed you." Taehyung exclaimed before hugging the younger and taking him off guard. He quickly hugged him back, the familiar scent of lilies making him smile. "How have you been? Did you miss me too? Did you do anything exciting? Was that your mum? I didn't realise you lived with your mum."

It took the younger a second to make sense of the rush of questions being thrown at him and he chuckled. He then went to answer, "I've been good; and yes, I missed you. I've just been helping my family. Yes, that was my mum."

"So you still live with your family?"

"It sounds worse when you put it like that." The brunette shrugged. "This is the family house and it has been for a while now. It's kind of like tradition for the immediate family to live and grow up in the house."

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