the begining

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It's been 2 years since this started, we are all hungry, tired, scared and worried. This was all meant to last for a couple of days, they said they would come and save us, they lied, and they aren't coming they lied to me, Joey, Sam, Jack, Julie, Steven, Chris and Kristy, but I'm going to tell you how it all started from before it actually began, before the virus began.

New York/Newark, United States

Date: 24/8/2016

As me and Kristy walk together to school we notice a man stumbling onto a woman while her boyfriend punches the man, he kept getting back up so we just ran and left that behind us, as we got to school all I noticed was the lack of attendance, even the kids that were always here weren't but I thought there must be a bug then the teacher walked into class and said

Teacher: ok students we need to stay down and out of sight today, lock all doors and windows.

At that moment I saw a bunch of people at the school gate trying to get in, but the gate was closed why wouldn't they just open it?

Steven: why sir, we only just got into class and I didn't hear any emergency bell?!

Teacher: well that was the principles orders so everyone help do that then we can talk about what is happening.

I got up and locked the door and then put Abbey's chair in front of it just to be safe then went and sat back down to listen to the reason we are locking up.

Sam: ok, so what is the deal with the lock down?

Teacher: there has been a virus that has spread and we don't want to catch it so we locked down the school and the people outside the gate have it and...

Chris: but the people outside the gate look like they want to get in real bad whys that?

Teacher: I was getting to tha...

Julie: oh my god is the virus dangerous?!

Teacher: yes that's why we need to stay down

Me: what makes it so dangerous?

Teacher: it brings the dead back to life.

At that moment everyone had a panicked look except for joey and jack who were thinking we were over reacting.

Teacher: but they eat people and then the people they eat turn into one of them.

Joey: so what a zombie apocalypse or something hehe that would never happen don't lie teach.

Teacher: I'm not just look outside


Me: what are we doing here then?!

Julie: that's right we need to move to a secure location within the school

Steven: no we need weapons now!

Julie: shut up Steven and move your ass!

Steven: yeah to go find some weapons! All that want to find some weapons follow me and all that want to die defenceless follow Julie.


And as the teacher got closer to the window a zombie jumped in and started biting his leg, he screamed and attracted more and more next thing you know the whole outside was over-run and we got out the back door while the teacher was screaming and they drove through the window and ripped his lower body to shreds.


And we slammed the door before they could get to us.

Steven: so I guess I'm riding solo until I find someone or meet up with you again, welp hopefully we see each other again.

And he smiled then started running, so we all ran to go find a safe place while Steven tried to find a weapon and as we ran separate I hoped we would meet him again.

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