Inside hell

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We walk into the empire state building and it is filled with guards, dani starts whispering to a guard. Suddenly Sam pulls out a knife and makes a break for the door and then *BLAM* Sam falls to the ground dead outside the empire state building.

We looked around to see who shot him and we don't see anyone.

Kristy (whispering): he must be on a higher floor.

Me (whispering): yeah.

The guard at the elevator clicks the button to go up.

Fletcher (whispering): we can jump her in the elevator

Dani: get this one out and take him to zane.

Fletcher: wait what?!

Guard: you heard her now move!

The guard kicks fletcher in the knee and he falls to the ground and the guard pulls him into a room.

We got inside the elevator and dani clicked the button to go up about 10 floors.

The door opens to a man sitting down on a chair with a sniper.

Dani goes back down in the elevator.

Man: hello my name is Luke.

Me: and what do you want with us.

Luke: well I'm here to tell you how things are going to be around here.

Laura: I already know

Luke: so tell me the run down then if you know it so well.

Laura: you make us work for you until we die, like a sweatshop

Luke: and you know that how?

Laura: I...

Patrick interrupted

Patrick: we have heard of you before.

Luke: I didn't want to hear it from you.

Me: we are sorry for interrupting please continue.

I didn't want to have another person get shot like Sam.

Luke: ok so you heard what happens to you by your friend but if I hear you interrupt someone again you will go to a room where you will get to play with Zane.

Me: so who is Zane?

Luke: he will torture you but won't kill you.

Everyone looked worried.

Me: so what is going to happen to us?

Luke: Right now you are going to stay here until the truck comes for you.

Kristy: the truck?

Luke: well we can only fit so many people in the building so we send trucks to pick some people up and take them to the concentration camp we made.

Julie: camp?

The elevator door opened

Luke: hey your friend is back.

Fletcher is on the elevator floor bloody and bruised.

Chris: oh shit.


Patrick runs and helps fletcher get onto his feet.

Luke: we showed him what Zane is like and also not to fuck around, now let's just have a good sleep now shall we?

He took us down the elevator to a room with seven beds one for each of us. Fletcher was on the bed sleeping and the rest of us were talking.

Julie: how will we escape?

Me: I don't know

Kristy: what is our next move?

Patrick: I don't know how we will escape but we might only get five people out of here

Laura: wait what are you saying?

Patrick: he doesn't even look healthy enough to move!

He said pointing at him sleeping.

Patrick: if we leave him we can get gear and break him out!

Chris: I don't want to leave him anymore than you do Laura but...

Fletcher: I'm not dying until I get to shoot that bitch!

Me: you're awake!

Fletcher: yeah but feel like shit, anyway what is the escape plan?


And that is all I'm typing for this episode (TROLLOLOL)

Anyway the competition for a character is still on. For the instructions got to episode 6 Satan's summoning.

Bai peeps

P.S i also added another friend LukeSaidHey he is a kewl guy.

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