the metal rooms

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As we make it into the metal rooms we see a zombified teacher and student walk at us.

Julie: don't make any noise while we kill them you saw what happened to teach and also aim for the brain, teach said we can't move without our brains in science, remember?

Jack reached for the screw driver, I reach for the saw and Kristy had a metal pole. Jack and I snuck up behind them both and I swung the saw as hard as I could and smash a big gap between the teachers head and jack stabbed it in the back of the head killing them both. We propped them up against the door as a barrier to put more weight onto the door so they would have trouble pushing through.

Me: so we have three weapons so far and there are seven of us so we need four more weapons so everyone look around for a weapon.

But the place had been raided and the only thing we could find was another screw driver, so I took it as it was a light weight weapon and was fast to use, I gave the saw to Sam.

Sam: so what do we do now? There isn't many places we can go.


Everyone had a scared look on their face at that moment when I was worried too so I tried to keep everyone calm and said

Me: we don't need to worry about them right now, they would want to make sure WE are ok before themselves so let's help them and stay safe and stay alive.

Chris: he is right and I bet they are all fine right now because the military is going to solve everything and my dad is in the military so if we go back to my place we can get some weapons like knives and guns.

Me: we should head to that place now.

Julie: but out on what, our legs would get really tired because the bridge is like I don't know TWENTY kilometres away how will we get their?

Sam: well the teacher's cars might do but there are seven of us so that wouldn't work.

Kristy: what about the school bus it is big enough and strong enough to hit the walkers and not tip the bus

Jack: walkers?

Kristy: just made a short name for the zombies and they don't run they walk.

Me: ok good idea, the bus thing I mean, anyway let's rest here for a bit then get ourselves a bus.

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