chris's house

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As we get in the yard we see three walkers stumbling around.

Me: let's not worry about them until later.

Chris: ok I have the key to the door luckily.

He opens the door hoping to find his parents but all he sees is a note on the bench saying

"Hello Chris me and your mother have been called in by the military and will be back in about a week, if you are here I'm guessing you know what is going on, you may use the knives and guns to defend yourself until we get back, there is a safe with enough gun ammo to last a year, Please stay here and also don't let anyone into the house, if anyone does try to get in a safe place and keep a weapon on you we will be back for you and anyone you know who has come with you.

P.S. we have cooked enough dinner for a week so use it wisely, and don't eat all the snacks.

Love, mum and dad."

Chris: ok now we just have to go up to mum and dads room to get the guns and knives.

Me: ok let's get them then get rid of the ones around the house.

Julie: good idea.

Joey: I hope there are pop tarts!

So me, Julie and Chris suited up and got upstairs to get some guns.

Me: wait where is the gun cabinet?

Chris: just wait a minute.

And he turned a switch which revealed a walk in closet filled with all sorts of guns and weapons

Julie: holy shit.

Me: we are so lucky

Chris: lucky I was with you guys when this started and not with Arron.

Me: Arron?

Chris: he was one of the guys that jumped the fence.

Julie: oh... I'm sorry Chris.

Chris: no it's fine, he got out luckily.

Me: anyway let's gear up

After stabbing all the zombies in the yard in vein of jack, we got inside and had a snack. As Julie, Chris and I were stuffing our mouths with food, Julie asked me.

Julie: so what I was wondering was if you had a boyfriend.

Me: wait what?!

Chris: yay I love drama

Me: no I didn't, not many kids actually liked me besides Kristy

Chris: well you have proved yourself to be a great leader!

Julie: and a good friend.

Me: wait I'm the leader?

Julie: well I guess, you do make most of the choices.

Chris: and you have kept us all safe, well most of us anyway.

Me: I don't think I'm a leader.

Julie: why not?

Me: well we could have saved Jack if I thought for a second and helped.

Chris: Jacks death wasn't your fault and don't think it was you fault, Jack stayed back to save us. Don't make his sacrifice useless, we would all be dead if it weren't for him and you.

Julie: that's right!

Me: thanks guys this cheered me up big time!

We had finished eating and called everyone up to Chris's parent's room.

Me: so everyone, we called a meeting to talk about arrangements and shifts.

Joey: wait what do you mean shifts?

Me: well someone needs to stay up as a guard.

Julie: the person on the night shift can stay on the balcony with the sniper and if they get too close kill them, got it?

Everyone nodded.

Julie: so first thing is first, who has first shift.

Me: I'll go first!

Chris: I was just about to say that!

He did a fake frown and looked at me then smiled I smiled back. As night fell everyone got ready for bed except for me, I was waiting for the walkers because we hadn't even seen what it was like at night. Chris walked over to me while I was sitting on the balcony.

Me: hey Chris what is happening.

Chris: in about two hours I'll take over your shift then Julie said she would after me

Me: thanks man that means a lot.

Chris: no problem man, anyways I'll be back out latter.

Me: good night man.

And as the night came, I sat down in the deck chair and waited.


Hey guys its diaki ,I have made a competition, you may ask what this competition is about well, it is a competition for a character in my book! Now all you need to do is, follow me, vote for the day the dead came walking (my first book), and send me a private message of your name (any name as long as it is appropriate but real names are appreciated) and that is it, I hope to see you enter!

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