8//Beauty and a Beast

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Chapter 8

It's a Saturday morning and I've decided to stay in for a while. Mom doesn't have a meeting until eleven pm so we are having breakfast together. She sits across from me at the small coffee table as she drinks her coffee while sketching a design. I on the other hand am finishing up a poem I began to write on the plane from California. I eat the last piece of my strawberry french toast then get up from the table. I turn off the screen to my phone and pick up the plate.

I put the dirty dishes in the sink then open the fridge to get a bottle of orange juice.

"Any plans for today?" Mom asks as she takes a break from sketching.

"I was thinking of doing some shopping." I answer and sit back down at the table.

"With Serena?" She asks.

"No. Serena has plans with Blair." I answer. The two made up, apparently.

"Waldorf?" Mom asks and I nod my head in response.

"Her mother and I worked on a clothing line once. The line came out great but I will never work with that woman again" Mom says and I crack a smile.

"Hey. Since your meeting isn't until eleven why don't you come shopping with me?" I tell mom.

"I suppose we could. We haven't had much time together in a while" Mom smiles and rises up from her chair.

"Really?" I ask with excitement.

"Yes! Go get ready" She answers.

I smile and jump out of my seat, I run into my room and quickly change. I put on a pair of black jeans with a long sleeve shirt and a pair of black boots. I apply a little bit of makeup and put on my jacket then let my hair down.

I put my phone in my coat pocket and wait for mom to come downstairs. She comes down five minutes later dressed in a beige nude short sleeve sheath dress with flutter sleeves and nude pointed heels. She puts on her black coat and out we go.

We walk beside each other as we walk through the shopping streets. Mom bought more clothes then I did, now we're eating crepes at a bakery.

"Are there any boys that have your eye?" Mom asks with a smirk on her face.

Logan. Why would I think of him? He's a jerk. I shake it off and shake my head.

"No" I answer.

"What about Charles? He's a handsome young man" She suggests.

I nearly choke on my crepe. "Mother. Charles Bass would be the last person I'll ever have interest in" I state sternly

"Logan Devenport, you two know each other don't you?" She asks and raises her eyebrow.

"No, we don't. He's just some guy who goes to St. Judes" I answer and roll my eyes.

"Honey, you're allowed to date" She says

"Thanks, mom but dad only let me date one guy ." I say

"Brandon" Mom mutters

"Yeah" I say

"So you two talked before?" I ask mom about dad

"We did, we just kind of stopped." She answers and looks down at her crepe

"What about you mom? Any guys?" I ask changing the subject.

"Not at the moment" She answers

"Mr.Devenport" I fake a cough

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