Hold On

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Andy's P.O.V. 

Three weeks. It's been that long since Skylar was born. She was the only comfort that I had had since Melanie still hadn't woken up. Every single day I would kiss her on the lips, just wishing that, that was what she would wake up to. I hoped that one day she would open her eyes and be perfectly fine, but I knew she wouldn't be. That's just how Melanie was.

The guys had been trying to cheer me up and give me hope. I did have hope, sure it wasn't a lot, but I still had some. Melanie was going to wake up, it's just a matter of time.

Everyone had been walking on egg shells around me lately. I know that I've been rather snippy with them, but I couldn't help it. I needed Melanie.

Diamond, though. I think Diamond is in as much pain as I am. Neither of us have eaten much, and I've noticed her tendency to leave for the restroom for long periods of time. I had a gut feeling something was really wrong with her, and it scared me.

"Andy, dude, you should really head home. We'll call you if she wakes up. You've been looking pretty slagged lately," CC said.

"I want to be here when she wakes up. I can't leave her side, man."

"Andy," Jinxx said, entering Melanie's room, "Go home. Get some rest. Spend some more time with your kid."

I looked at Melanie's sleeping figure. She looked so peaceful.

I turned back to Jinxx and nodded.

I got out of the cushioned chair that now probably had my butt permanently imprinted on it, god knows the last time I left the chair.

Suddenly, I heard a glass-shattering scream. I whipped my head around and saw Melanie thrashing around in her bed.

"Melanie!" I cried as I pinned her arms down to her sides.

She wasn't calming down. I tried making shushing noises, but none of that seemed to make any difference in her condition. What the hell could be making her this scared?

"You're not alone

We'll brave this storm

Andy face today

You're not alone," I sang.

She stopped flailing and started breathing heavily. Her eyes were still clamped shut.

"Melanie, are you okay baby?" I whispered.

She didn't respond.

Jinxx placed his hand on my shoulder and lead me out of the room.

"Andy, we'll watch her. She'll be awake before you know it," Jinxx told me.

"I can't go now! She was almost awake a second ago!"

"Dude, if you don't go willingly I'll drive your ass home myself. You can't stay here. It isn't good for you."

"O-okay. Does my mom still have Skylar?" I asked.

"Last I checked, yeah."

"Thanks man."

I walked out into the waiting room and saw my mom craddling Skylar in her arms. God, I wish Melanie could see this.

"Andy! How's Melanie doing?" my mom asked, looking up at me.

"She started moving, but she didn't fully wake up. I'm scared for her, mom. What if, when she wakes up, she won't be the same? Being so close to death can really change a person. She's the love of my life, I want her to be healthy, happy, and safe," I croaked.

And Face Today (Sequel to We'll Brave This Storm)Where stories live. Discover now