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"Andy?" I asked as I walked into the apartment.

The lights were off and no sounds came from the bedrooms.

I stumbled into the bedroom and was greeted with the smell of cinnamon candles. Little candles were set up around the room and white flower petals were sprinkled over the bed.

I felt a pair of long arms wrap around my waist and I took in a sharp breath.

"Mel...don't ever do that again. Okay, Princess?" he breathed into my ear.

I turned around and looked into his eyes.

"Andy.... I shouldn't have gone out. I only did it to piss you off and I shouldn't have. Wh-when you tackled that guy off of me and you looked at me...I felt so guilty."

"Princess, it's over, okay? I won't let that asshole touch you ever again."

I pressed my lips gently to his and he held me tightly to his chest. Our kiss deepened and we slowly made our way to the bed. He undid his jeans and I slid off his shirt. I flicked off my heels and my dress ended up being pulled over my head. Andy's hands held mine as he trailed kisses along my colarbone. His hands started sliding up my arms and I gasped in pain.

"Princess?" Andy asked.

I stayed silent.

"Tell me you didn', please."

I slid out from under him and pulled my knees to my chest.

"Let me see them," Andy whispered.

I reluctantly held out my arms for him to see. The golden candle light exposed my newly added scars. I only noticed now how ugly my arms were.

"Why Princess?"

"I hurt you..." I mumbled.

"That is no reason for you to hurt yourself."

"I also hurt Skylar by being an aweful mother to her for the past week. I know I can't be distant, but it hurts to be close."

"What's hurting you? Is it me?"

I let out a light laugh.

"No, no really. But when I woke up in the hospital, you told me that I almost died. I didn't even get to be the first to see our baby. You and your mom raised her for those first few weeks. I love your mom, but I wanted to be the one to cradle her and sing her lullabyes. I felt like I came back and was forced into this life. I felt....and still do feel wrong."

"I didn't know..." Andy said, lowering his head.

I reached up and stroked his cheek.

"I know you didn't. I think though, that I shouldn't have survived sometimes. I have way too many scars. God, I should have died a long time ago."

"Melanie....please, don't think like that," Andy begged.

"How can I not? I feel like every time something good happens to me, it's ripped away from me a moment later. I don't want to live with this feeling that only bad things will happen to me."

I hung my head in shame. I knew that I was breaking his heart with every little secret I spilled out to him.

Skylar's cries broke the silence.

I got out of the bed and headed over to her room. Andy remained on the bed, staring off into space.

"Hey Sky," I whispered as I picked her up from her crib.

She opened her eyes and observed me. I haven't held her in days. It was always Andy who took care of her...and me.

Oh my god. How did I not realize it?

Andy always gave up everything for Skylar and I. He's holding himself together while I'm falling apart. I couldn't treat him like this. I needed to get better for him and for Skylar.

I shuffled into my bedroom with Skylar in my arms.


He turned towards me and looked at me, teary-eyed. He then looked at Skylar in my arms and a look of shock made its way onto his face.

"Andy, I think I should go away for a while. I'm not breaking up with you, but I need to get help for myself. I need to get better for the sake of our family."

Andy got off the bed and embraced me in a hug, resting his head on top of mine.

"Are...are you sure this is what you want?" he whispered, his lips vibrating against my hair.

"Y-yes. I need to do this. I'm to disgusted with myself, especially my scars and my weight. I look pathetic."

I separated myself from Andy and went to plug my ipod into its dock while holding Skylar with one arm. I laid her on the bed. I pressed play on my ipod and held my hand out to Andy.

He placed his hands on my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck. We swayed as the song began to play.

Andy looked into my eyes and began to sing along.

"Pain yourself a picture

Of what you wish you looked like

Maybe then they just might

Feel an ounce of your pain

Come into focus

Step out of the shadows

It's a losing battle

There's no need to be ashamed

Cause they don't even know you

All they see is scars

They don't see the angel

Living in your heart

Let them find the real you

Burried deep within

Let them know with all you've got

That you are not your skin."

"I love you, Andy."

"I love you too, Mel. H-how long will you be gone for?" Andy choked.

"A month."

"Even Christmas?"

"I-I don't know. Maybe," I sighed.

"I don't want you to leave, Princess."

"I don't want to leave, but we both know that this is our best shot at saving our relationship."

"I know....When are you leaving?"

I didn't want to answer. He would be so upset.

"Please, just tell me when."

"I'm going to leave tomorrow..."

I felt a tear fall onto my hand.

"I'll wait for you, you know."

"I know, Andy."

Note: Here's another update for you guys! I love you duckies!

And Face Today (Sequel to We'll Brave This Storm)Where stories live. Discover now