Remember Me (Epilogue)

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Andy and I did have our happy ending as I predicted and so did our friends.

My mother married Richard after she finalized the divorced with my father. Her and Richard raised Clayton like a couple of normal parents would. She died at the ripe age of eighty with a smile upon her face. She died happy.

My father, well, his story wasn't as pleasant. He slept around and never got remarried. He was arrested for battery when one of his 'girlfriends' had gotten beaten to the point where she broke a few ribs and an arm. Let's just say that jail didn't suit him well. After being 'used' by the fellow inmates, my father took his own life.

Jake and Ella got married a year after Andy and I did. It was a beautiful ceremony. A few weeks later they told me that Ella was pregnant. I couldn't have been happier for the two of them. They named their baby girl Christine, and boy was she a cutie.

Ashley and Kenzi never got married, but they never left each others side. They both decided early on that neither of them were the marrying type. The didn't have any children either, but they did have a lot of pets.

Jinxx and Sammi didn't fare as well. They separated the summer after Andy and I's wedding, and they stayed that way for a while. However, a year after their separation, they got back together. Things never went back to how they used to be between them, but they never parted again. They wound up having a child together named Dylan, and he looked just like Jinxx.

CC and Diamond, where do I start with them? Diamond gave birth to a boy a couple months after my wedding. His name was Adam and I was lucky enough to be named his god-mother. CC and Diamond got married five years into their relationship after having two more kids. One was a girl named Reylene and the other was a boy named Jonathan.

Skylar, my baby girl. Like Diamond had foretold, Skylar did end up dating Adam. They were probably the cutest couple that I'd ever seen. They were high-school sweet hearts and they got married once they had both graduated college. Skylar gave birth to four of my grandchildren. They were named Andrew, Diamond, Christian, and Melanie. I found it quite amusing that all of them looked similar to those they were named after.

Black Veil Brides became one of the biggest rock bands in the world like Andy had always hoped for. It wasn't easy for me or the children when he was gone most of the year, but he'd always make up for it when he returned home by being the best father and husband anyone could ask for.

Andy and I....Well, I gave birth to two more children named Jaxon and Quinn. they were called my little miracle babies because a few years into our marraige I was told by a doctor that I was unable to have any more children, but I somehow ended up becoming pregnant with twins. Things between Andy and I were as near to perfect as we could be. Andy was an amazing boyfriend, but as a husband he was even better. He was fully supportive of me when I began working with John Feldman in music production.

I promised Andy that as soon as I finished with this story that he would be able to have it to share with the rest of the world. This is my farewell to him and my family, because sadly, I am dying. Cancer can be a bitch, but Andy has been here for me the past year while I've been going through a terrible experience. I have about two weeks left in me. It's not that bad, though. I'm seventy-three and I've lived a full, eventful life. I've seen my grandchildren grow up. I've seen my friends start families and live happy lives. I don't want to leave Andy, but if there is a heaven, I know I'll see him there someday.


NOTE: This is the end of the series. I hope you've all enjoyed it, because this has been a really cool experience for me to actually try writing stories.  I don't know when, but sometime in the next three months or so, I think I'll start writing another story that I'll let you know about when I write it. Also, I'd like to dedicate my series to Carolyn Pitts, who sadly passed away on Saturday. She was the mother of Jake and the inspiration behind the song that has saved me so many times and inspired me for this series. I love you duckies! <3

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