Do It Now, Remember It Later

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Mel's P.O.V.

I've been home for a week, but honestly, it's felt like much longer. I've spent most of my time in the room Andy and I share. I sleep most of the day and I don't eat much. I avoid eye contact with Andy and I rarely hold Skylar. I'm derailing and I'm afraid where that will lead me.

"Mel, are you awake?" Andy asked me.

"Yeah, I'm awake," I whispered.

"Princess, you're scaring me. You're barely ever out of this room and I can't remember the last time you ate. Please, tell me what's wrong," Andy pleaded.

"I'm fine, just tired is all," I responded.

I heard my phone buzz on the nightstand and sighed as I reached out my arm and grabbed it.

It was Sammi.

"Hey chica! Ella, Kenzi and I were going to have a girls night out tonight. Do you wanna come? It'll be fun!"

Andy gave me a slightly irritated look as he heard the question.

"Sure, I need to get out of the apartment anyways."

"Awesome! I'll come pick you up in an hour! Wear something sexy!"

"Alright, will do," I said right before hanging up.

"Mel, I really don't think you should be going out," Andy told me.

"I can do what I want, Andy! I haven't seen any of the girls in forever and you've been really intrusive lately. I need some time to just have fun," I snapped at him.

I grabbed a towel and headed to the bathroom.

I was being a bitch, I know, but for some reason I had an urge to be rebellious. Just because I have a boyfriend and a child doesn't mean that I can't let loose.


"Sammi!" I squealed as I opened the door.

"Babe, you look fantastic! Gimme a twirl!" she said, motioning for me to do a little spin.

I spun around in my tight vamp-red dress.

"Where's Andy?" Sammi asked.

"Oh...he's in the bedroom with Skylar, I think," I replied nonchalantly.

"Are you gunna say goodbye to them?"

I shook my head.

I was distancing myself. I mean, I died. Skylar almost killed me coming out and she reminded me way to much of Sky. Andy... Andy was acting strange from the moment I got out of the hospital. He acted as if I would break at the slightest touch. As if something were wrong with me. I wasn't helping by isolating myself from them, but if I didn't I would fall apart. Though, truthfully, I wasn't totally sure I wasn't already falling apart.

"Okay then. The girls are all in the car," Sammi said, breaking my train of thought.

"Where are we going?"

"A club. We are going to party!"

Oh god. The last time I was at a club I got drunk for the first time and hooked up with a random chick. This ought to be interesting.


"Mel, let's go dance!" Kenzi shouted over the blaring base music as we entered the club.

"Nah, I'm going to get a drink!" I yelled.

I pushed through a crowd of half-naked, sweaty bodies. I spotted the bar and sat down at a stool.

"Hey doll, is there anything I can get you?" a tall, black haired woman asked from behind the counter. She handed a beer to the drunken male beside me, then glanced back at me.

I wasn't technically old enough to drink, but one drink wouldn't hurt.

"A screwdriver, please," I said.

She nodded and handed me one a minute later.


I was wrong. One drink could hurt. I had downed it and downed four more after it. I guess my tolerance for alcohol had severly dimminished after not drinking for a solid ten months.

"," I hicupped.

"You look a bit hammered. Are you sure you want another one?" the bartender asked me.


She shrugged her shoulders and made me another one.

She placed it in front of me when someone tapped me on the shoulder. I almost jumped out of my seat.

"Whoa! Didn't mean to scare you darling," a towering, dark-haired man said.

He was cute. I couldn't deny that, but 'darling' really? I wasn't here to hook up with anyone. I didn't want this guy to get the wrong idea.

I stood up shakily and said, "S-sorry, but I'm taken."

"I don't see a ring on your finger."

"I have a boyfriend."

"Well, what he doesn't know won't hurt him," the man said, grabbing my ass.

"Fuck off!" I snarled as I pushed him off of me.

"Make me," he growled in my ear.

I was about to respond with a mouthful of curses, when he pulled me away from the bar. He shoved me up against a wall where he attacked my mouth with his beer flavoured lips.

I tried pulling away, but his body was pressed to tightly against my own. His greedy hands began slithering up my legs and under the hem of my dress. He pried my legs apart and lifted me up, forcing my legs around his waist.

Suddenly, a force shoved the man off of me.

I slid down the floor and wrapped my arms around my legs. Who the hell saved me?

My breathing was ragged as I looked up to see who my saviour was.

Andy. Shit.

NOTE: IIIII"MMMM BBBAAAACCCCKKKK!!!!! So, the play I was in is done, so I'll be able to update for you guys again! I love you duckies!

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