Miles Away

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"Oh my goodness, Mel! You're back! And you brought Skylar!" Ella squeeled as I entered the house.

"Yeah, we couldn't leave this little trouble-maker at home by herself," Andy said as he looked lovingly at Skylar.

I swear to goodness that Skylar turned Andy into a total softy while I was away. I didn't mind it though, in fact, it made me love Andy even more.

"Mel?" Jake asked as he wrapped his arms around Ella's waist.

"Yep, that's me," I grinned.

"You look different. In a good way, of course," Jake noted.

"Yeah, I may have changed a bit."

"Hey guys! Mel's here!" Jake shouted over his shoulder.

I heard the hurried footsteps of half a dozen people making their way to the foyer. Once, their eyes landed on me,  everyone's mouths went agape. It seemed as if time were frozen for a moment as they took me in, but their facial expressions of joy and suprise made me smile.

"Nice ring, Mel. Where'd you get it?" CC asked.

CC's hands were rubbing Diamond's wrists gently and I noticed how he glanced down sadly at them. She had told him.

"I proposed to her this morning. We're engaged," Andy said with a hint of pride in his voice.

The whole room gasped.

"Seriously?!" Sammi asked.

"Yeah...," I blushed.

"Oh my god, I'm so happy!" Diamond exclaimed as she came rushing toward me.

I quickly handed Skylar off to Andy in order to make sure that she wouldn't get squished.

Diamond tightly wrapped her arms around me as she tackled me to the the floor.

"Ouch..." I groaned.

"Oh! Sorry! Are you okay?" Diamond asked me.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Oh, by the way, I have something to tell you."


"I want you to be my maid of honour."

Before I could even register what was happening, I couldn't breath as Diamond engulfed me in a bear hug.

"Need....air....Can't....breath...." I gasped.

"Whoops," Diamond said as she got off of me and back onto her feet.

"Try not to break my fiancee please?" Andy joked.

"Sorry, Andy," Diamond apologized.

Andy gave me his one free hand touse to get up off of the floor.

"So," Kenzi said, "Andy, have you decided on your best man?"

"Yeah, I want Matt Good to be my best man."

"He should've been here by now. Danny and the rest of the boys from Asking Alexandria were going to be here too, but their bus broke down on the way back from tour. Figures, huh?" Ashley said.

Andy raised his eyebrows and said, "Of course."

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.

"Three guesses as to who that could be," Jinxx said.

He opened the door to reveal a smiling Matt Good.

"You're in a happy mood," I laughed.

"Hell yeah! It's Christmas! Plus, I got booze," he said, holding up two bottles of vodka.

I grabbed a bottle from him and unscrewed the cap. I took a large sip and felt the liquid burning as I let it run down my throat. I glanced up at everyone to see them giving me questioning looks.

"I didn't go to rehab for alcoholism," I said.

They all shrugged, then turned their attention to Matt.

"What?" he asked.

"You're going to be Andy's best man," CC told him.

"For what?"

"His wedding, duh!" Sammi smiled.

"You're getting married?" Matt asked Andy.

"Yeah, to Mel," Andy said, wrapping one of his arms around my waist as he held Skylar in the other.

"Congrats! But, uh...does that mean I have to wear a suit?"


"Oh, well I guess I'm up for it."

"Have you set a date yet?" Jinxx asked.

"No, but it most likeyly wont be for three or four months," Andy said.

"Why so long?" I asked him.

"Tour starts in a few weeks and its going to be longer than usual."

"W-what?" I choked out.

"Wait, Andy didn't tell you?" Jake asked.

"No, he didn't," I mumbled under my breath.

"Mel...," Andy sighed.

"Not now, Andrew," I said, squirming out of his grasp, "I need a few minutes to myself."

I walked out the front door and wandered around to the back yard.

It was dark outside and you could clearly see the stars shining in the sky. The wind was chilly, but calming at the same time.

Andy was leaving on tour. I know I should have expected this to happen, but still it took me by suprise. I just got home to find that I had barely any time left with him. I would have to take care of Skylar by myself without having done that before, and I would have to get a job, most likely doing something that I didn't enjoy.

A month long tour would be one thing, but three? I don't know if I could be away from him that long. I never did well by myself.

"Melanie, can we talk?" a familiar, deep voice asked.

"Yeah, I suppose," I responded.

Andy stepped in front of me, staring straight into my eyes.

"I know I should've told you as soon as you got back, but I wanted to enjoy our time ogether without any stress for a little bit."

"I get it, but I don't want you to go. I need you Andy."

"But the fans need me too..."

"I know. I better than most that they need you, I was one of them once, hell I still am. I'm being selfish. I'm sorry."

Andy kissed my lips softly and whispered, "No, you're not selfish. I want to stay too. I don't want to ever leave your side because whenever you're away from me, my heart feels like there is a gaping hole in it. You're my other half, my love, my everything. When I'm away from you I feel so alone because you are my heart."

"It's going to be so hard," I whimpered, tears springing to my eyes.

We looked into each others eyes and I felt my heart aching as I saw the tears that were forming in his eyes as well.

"Stay strong for me," I croaked.

"I....I have an idea. Just hear me out, Princess. That's all I ask."

"Wh-what's your idea?"

"Come with me on tour. You. Me. Skylar. I'll make it work, I promise."

"Andy, I don't know..."

"Melanie, please....," he begged.


NOTE: Here's another update for y'all. Hope you enjoyed it. I may update another chapter tonight possibly. I love you duckies!

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