White Wedding

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"Oh my god, I feel like I'm going to puke," I said to Diamond, Sammie, Ella, and Kenzi.

"It's just nerves. You kow you and Andy are meant to be together," Ella soothed.

Andy and I were finally getting married- in a church nontheless- and I was shaking like a leaf. I wanted to be with him, but I hate being emotional in front of people and I knew once the vows  came I would be in tears.

"You look beautiful," Diamond said.

I smiled at her then turned to look at myself in the mirror.

She was right, I did look beautiful. My newly-dyed dark red hair brought out my thickly eyeliner-lined blue eyes. My deep red lipstick made my lips look plumper than usual and my skin was glowing. My eyes shifted to the dress that I was wearing, and I couldn't help but smile.

It was a black, strapless, laced dress that hugged my waist and thighs. At the thighs the black, laced boddess turned into sheer, black layered ruffles in a dramatic mermaid style. It was simply gorgeous.

I decided I would do the classic something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue tradition that most brides do. My something old was the diamond necklace I was wearing that belonged to my grandmother. My something new was the dress. My something borrowed was my black veil. The black veil wasn't borrowed, but I stole the black veil idea from the first interview Andy did with BryanStars, so it technically counted. Lastly, my something blue was the undergarments I was wearing, which Andy would find out about later.

"Mel, it's time," Jake said, peaking his head into the room.

I took a deep breath and followed the girls out of the room and to the large oak doors. I heard an organ begin to be played from inside the room. Kenzi pushed open the doors for Ella, who was carrying Skylar, followed by Robert's son, Clayton, who I had chosen to be the ring bearer.

Clayton was dressed in a black suit with a red bow-tie. Instead of his nose ring, he had put in a plain, sliver stud and his snake-bites matched his stud. He died his formerly fire-engine red hair black for the wedding, not that I would have minded, but he thought it was the polite thing to do. His green eyes were traced with a thin layer of eyeliner, and he looked absolutely adorable.

I looked over my shoulder to make sure Jinxx was there, and he was. He was wearing a simple black suit and he was holding himself like a real gentleman. He hooked his arm around mine when our turn came to walk down the isle.

I heard the crowd gasp in awe as I entered the room. I felt my knees shake a bit as everyone's attention turned to me, but I decided not to pay attention to them. Instead, I looked straight ahead to the alter where Andy was standing.

Andy was dressed up in a tight, black suit and a black tie. In all the time I've known him, I've never seen him dress up, and I was pleasantly suprised. His hair was cut short and was combed back. He was barely recognizable except for his brilliant, blue eyes. They were sparkling brighter than ever and the smile that was on his face spread to his eyes.

Jinxx and I reached the end of the isle and Andy stepped down from the alter to reach us. Jinxx handed me off to Andy and Andy kissed my hand.

"You look perfect," Andy whispered in my ear as he helped me up the steps.

"So do you. You should dress up like this more often," I said quietly enough that he was the only one who could hear.

He smiled as we reached hte alter and he faced me.

"We are gathered here today," the priest began.

In truth, I zoned out what the priest was saying because I was lost in Andy's eyes.

"The couple may now share their vows," the priest announced.

"Andy," I said, "I remember when we first met. I was a wreck and you saved me. Things were difficult at times, but I knew in my heart that you were something special. Even when I walked away from ou, you found me and you fought for me. You are a loving, brave, and caring man who I had a beautiful baby girl with. I don't want to ever be with anyone else but you. I love you."

Andy brushed away the tears that I had shed, and he began his vows.

"Melanie, I honestly don't know where to begin. You are just perfect in every single way. Even when you break down or yell at me because I've done something incredibly stupid, I feel blessed to have you. You are so beautiful inside and out. I'm proud to be with you because you are a strong independent, sweet and selfless person. We've been through hell and back, yet we've made it through, which only proves to me that you are the one I'm meant to be with for the rest of my life. Our baby was a blessing in disguise for us, and I can't say that I regret anything we've ever done. I love you so much and I can't imagine my life without you."

"May the ring bearer please present the rings," the priest said.

Clayton came forward with the two silver wedding bands. I picked up the one for Andy and he picked up the one for me.

"Repeat after me," the priest told me, "with this ring, I thee wed."

"With this ring, I thee wed," I whispered as I placed the band on his ring finger with shaking hands.

Andy took my hand and slid the ring on my slim finger.

"With this ring, I thee wed."

"Is there anyone here who wishes for this couple to not be married? Speak now or forever hold your peace," the priest boomed.

I looked into the mass of people and spotted the boys from Asking Alexandria, Sleeping With Sirens, Andy's parents, my mom and Robert, and BryanStars. My heart was beating a mile a minute. No one objected.

"Very well, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride!"

Andy cupped my face and crashed his lips into mine.

I couldn't bring myself to take in any of my surroundings. I just focused on Andy's warm, smooth lips.

I couldn't believe that I was married. I was officially Melanie Marie Biersack. I was his and he was mine. I finally got my fairytale ending and I knew that Andy and I would have our happily ever after.

NOTE: I will post the short epilogue later tonight. I love you duckies!

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