Come Together

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"Bye mama, I'll miss you," I said as I gave her a big hug.

"I'll mis you too, sweetie. I don't know how I'll make it without you here," she mumbled into my shoulder.

"You'll manage. I know you can. By the time I get home, I want you to have a boyfriend. Try to pick a good one, okay?"

"Melanie, I'm too old to date and I've just gotton out of the relationship with your father," my mother objected.

I pulled away from the hug and placed my hands on her shoulders, looking her dead in the eyes.

"You've wasted twenty years on that man. You deserve a guy that will treat you right. If you ever run into papa again, I want you to have a man to shove into his face. I want him to see you so happy, that it makes himself sick knowing he is cursed to be alone for the rest of his life."

"I'll try, Melanie. You take good care of Andrew and Skylar while you're on the road, alright?"

"I promise, mama," I said as I hugged her one last time.

I picked up my suitcases and boarded the tour bus that was packed in the parking lot. I was way too tired to be doing any lifting though. I was almost dead on my feet because I had to be up at six in the morning.

I gasped as I walked onto the bus. It was different from the one that I was on last time- thank god. Still, it was huge.

"You like it?" Andy asked me.

He had walked out of the bedroom with Skylar in his arms.

"I love it! I have to admit, I've missed being on a tour bus. It's been what? A year since I've been on tour with you?"

"It seems like just yesterday we were in my bunk cuddling and talking about the weirdest things..."

"I know what you mean."

"Hey guys!" Jon said, getting onto the bus.

"Hey Jon. Where are the rest of the guys?" I asked.

"They haven't been picked up yet. I figured you would want to get first dibs on where to sleep. We had a crib built into the bedroom for Skylar to sleep in," Jon said.

"Thank you so much!"

"No problem, but we should probably get going."

"Who are we picking up next?" Andy asked.

"Diamond and CC."

"Diamond is coming on tour?" I asked exitedly.

"That's what CC told me."


"Diamond!" I sqeeled as she came onto the bus.

"Mel! Hey!" she said.

"I didn't know you were coming on tour! Why didn't you tell me?"

"It was sort of a last minute decision. I told CC some news a few nights ago and he said he wanted me on tour with him."

"What news did you tell him?"

"I can't say until all the guys are here."

"Please? You can tell me!"

"Sorry, I can't tell," Diamond said, giving me a mischievious smile.

"Are you trying to get Diamond to spill the beans?" CC asked as he hauled three large suitcases onto the bus.

"Maybe..." I said.

"Figures. Oh, and Di?"


"I love you, baby, but your shit weighs a ton," he grunted.

"Sorry!" she said as she went to go help CC with her things.

"Is that all yours?" I asked, shocked.

"Um...yeah," she said sheepishly.

"Okay, then..."

"Is anyone else here?" CC asked as he brought his single large suitcase onto the bus.

"Just Andy, Skylar and I. We're picking Ashley up next. I'm sharing the bedroom with Andy and Skylar, so you two get the first choice of bunks."

"Awesome! Come on CC!" Diamond said as she dragged him back to the bunks.


CC and Diamond had been having rough sex for the past twenty minutes and it was driving me nuts.

"Holy crap! Who's fucking already?" Ashley asked as he came into the bus with his luggage.

"Diamond and CC," I groaned.

"Oi! Stop with the moaning at least, you two!" Ashley shouted.

"Shh!" Andy said as he came out of the bedroom, "I just put Skylar to sleep. The last thing we want is a cranky baby on the bus."

"Ugh, fine. But how long will I have to listen to them fucking?"

"I don't know," I grumbled.


We picked up Jinxx who wasn't to happy to be greated by sex noises. I could hardly blame him.

Suprisingly, they were still going at it by the time we got Jake. They had more stamina than any other people I've met in my life. It was ridiculous.

"Okay, I'm done with this," I said as I headed to Diamond and CC's bunk.

I threw open the curtain and looked straight at CC and Diamond's faces, carefully keeping my eyes away from anything that shouldn't be seen.

"Stop fucking. It's been over an hour that I've had to deal with your noises and it's driving me and the rest of the guys crazy. Now, you said you would tell us what your new was when all of the guys were here, so get your butts dressed and come out to the front of the bus when you're clothed."

I shut the curtain on their shocked faces and headed back to the guys who were looking at me with freaked-out expressions.

"Sorry about that, they were just getting on my nerves a bit," I apologized.

"Uh-huh, we noticed," Jake said.

Five minutes later Diamond came out with CC. Both looked embarrassed and slightly guilty.

"So, what new were you going to tell us?" I asked.

The guys all looked to them with intruiged expressions.

"I'm pregnant."

NOTE: So.....there are three chapters left and maybe and epilogue if you all want one. I love you duckies!

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