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"You want another kid?" Andy asked slowly.

"Yes...Not now, but sometime. Do you....do you not want another one?"

"If it's with you, then yes. But, I don't think I'd want to have one for a while. I'm happy with the small family we have already."

I smiled at him, relieved that he wanted the same thing as I did down the road.

I didn't have long to bask in the moment, however, because the next second my cell phone began blaring a ringtone that I thought I wouldn't ever have to hear again.

"H-hello?" I asked shakily as I answered my phone.

"Hello, Melanie. It's been too long, dear," my mom's voice said.

"Really? I don't think so. How about you call back later when you're not a total bitch," I said coldly.

Andy looked at me confused and I just shook my head.

"Is that any way to talk to me, sweetie? I just wanted to call to check up on you. You didn't tell me you were leaving or where you went. You left your father and I really worried."

"Yeah, I'm sure," I scoffed.

"So, how are things?"


"Really? Nothing important you wanted to tell me?"


"Oh? How about you dating a satanist faggot and getting knocked up? I saw pictures of Skylar. I can tell she's going to turn out just like you- a disgrace," she spat.

"Shut. The. Fuck. Up," I growled.

"Did I hit a nerve?"

"You're just pissed off that I have a better life than you. I have a man who actually loves me and I have a healthy, beautiful daughter with him. I have friends who care about me and a bright future. What do you have? I bet papa still hasn't stopped drinking and clling you his first wife's name. I know for a fact you don't have any friends because you won't talk to anyone. You won't talk to people because you think everybody besides yourself is a low-life piece of shit!"

"You little bitch...you shut your mouth or else-"

"Or else what? You're going to call me and throw little insults at me? You're pathetic," I snarled as I ended the call.

I handed Skylar to Andy. I was too shakey to hold her and I felt my knees start to wobble.


I was trying so hard to hold back tears, that I couldn't find the strength to answer him. But after a minute I just let the tears fall as I dropped to the floor. My whole body was shaking and I felt as if I may have a panic attack.

"Princess, who....who called?" Andy asked as he rubbed my back.

"M-my m-mama," I sobbed.

Jake stumbled into the room, his hair a total mess.

"Mel? What's wrong?" Jake asked me.

"Her mom called, and apparently she said some pretty nasty things," Andy responded.

Jake kneeled down in front of me and asked, "What sort of things did she say?"

"S-she said A-Andy was a satanist faggot and Skylar w-was going to b-be a dis-disgrace."

"Don't listen to her, okay? I can tell by the way you and Andy take care of Skylar that she will be a smart, compassionate, and maybe a bit of a wild kid. Your mom is just focussing on the things that she doesn't like. Trust me, that is no way anybody wants to live. She'll end up alone and miserable, wishing that she could change her past, while you'll be surrounded by Andy, Skylar, and all of your friends."

My crying slowly began to stop and I looked up at Jake with so much gratitude.

"I know. I fel bad for her though," I said, quietly.

"Why?" Jake asked.

"She used to be happy until her and my papa had me. They were married, but they didn't want kids. They were more focused on their jobs than anything else. When my papa found out my mother was pregnant, he kind of ended up losing it. He drank a lot. I honestly don't remember a moment when he was sober, or at least one where he wasn't sober and yelling at me, telling me I wasn't good enough. My mother tried to pretend that everything was alright. She turned to religion, which at first was a good thing for her, but once I turned seven she started to go over-the-top. Then things got really bad. My dad started having affairs with random women, sometimes they were secretaries, other times they were women he'd meet on the street. My mom knew of course. She took it out on me, though. She never physically hurt me, only because I don't think she could bear letting herself lose control. So, yeah, I feel sorry for her."

"I'm sorry..." Jake said.

"The crappiest part is knowing that I was a mistake. I don't want to ever turn into her, because if I did, I wouldn't be able to live with myself. I have nightmares where Skylar turns into me and I become my mother. Skylar wasn't supposed to happen. I wasn't supposed to happen. Hell, when my grams used to come over, she said my mom wasn't supposed to happen. My grams was a horrible person, as well. I just want to break the cycle."

"If anyone can break the cycle, it's you," Jake smiled at me.

"I sure hope so. You're a great friend, Jake. Thank you."

"Any time. You're family to me."

I wiped the tears that were still on my face and I forced a smile.

"Okay, I'm good. Let's order some pizza and wake everyone else up, yeah?" I suggested.

"Pizza? It's the morning! Can't you just cook something?" Andy laughed.

"You know I'm not a very good cook. I can put things into the oven and that's about it," I said sticking my tongue out at him.

"Granted, but still, pizza?"

"Hey now! Let's not argue with the woman!" Jake said.

"Seriously, Jake, you have a pizza addiction," I grinned.

Jake smiled sheepishly and left to call a pizza place.

"I'm surrounded by the weirdest people," I lauged as Andy wrapped an arm comfortingly around me.

"Yeah...you are," Andy mumbled, kissing my forehead.

And Face Today (Sequel to We'll Brave This Storm)Where stories live. Discover now