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"Hello Melanie," my mom said weakly.

"What are you doing here?" I asked cautiously.

"To apologize to you for what I said the other day.....and to ask for a favour."

"What type of favour?" I wondered.

"I need a place to stay for a while...."


"Y-your father kicked me out."

"What?! Why?"

"He wanted his new whore to live with him, so he told me 'Get your worthless ass out of my house.'"

"I-I'm sorry. You can stay here if you want. Right, Andy?" I said.

"Uh...I guess," he said uncertainly, "We'll be leaving fr tour in less than a week, so we could use someone to watch the place."

"Thank you. Melanie, I really am sorry for what I said. I was bitter and I thought that you were the reason that things between your father and I were falling apart. You weren't to blame. I shouldn't have treated you he way I did and I should've divorced him the moment he began cheating. If there is anything I can do to make it up to you, I'll do it."

Tears sprang to my eyes and I wrapped my arms around her, and she did the same. It had been years since I had given her a hug, and it felt nice.

"I love you mama," I said.

"I-I love you too, Melanie. I'm sorry I didn't say it enough. When you called me out for being cruel, it was the kick in the pants that I needed."

"I shouldn't have been so harsh," I mumbled.

"No, to be honest, I don't think you were harsh enough."

I pulled away from the hug and wiped my tears away with shakey hands.

My mother crossed the thresh-hold of the apartment and held her hand out to Andy. He hesitated a moment before shaking it.

"It's nice to finally meet my daughter's boyfriend," she said.

"Uh..it's fiance, actually," Andy politely corrected.

My mother's eyes grew wide and her jaw dropped

"I'm going to have a son-in-law?"

"It appears so," he smiled.

"Mel, I'm so proud of you!" my mother beamed.

"W-would you like to see your granddaughter?" I asked quietly.

She nodded her head with a look of intense joy on her face and I lead her to Skylar's room.

"I love the room," my mother said as she looked at the lavender walls and white furnature.

"It was all Andy," I said.

I leaned over the crib and picked up Skylar, who shockingly wasn't asleep.

"Hey, Sky," I cooed, "Your grandma is going to stay with us. Do you want to say hi?"

Skylar blinked a few times at my mom and she smiled a bit.

"Mama, do you want to hold her?" I asked.

"Yes, very much."

I placed Skylar into my mother's arms and I noticed how naturally holding Skylar came to her.

"Hi, Skylar. I'm your granny," she said in a high-pitched voice.

I smiled at how cute she was with Skylar. I wished she was that way with me when I was younger.

"Hey, Mrs. Greer, do you want me to bring up your things?" Andy asked as he walked into the nursery.

"Yes, please," she said, digging around in her sweater pockets, "Here are my keys. The car is a yellow bug and my things are in the trunk."

She tossed him the keys and he skillfully caught them with one hand. He gave her a quick smile and left the room.

"So, Melanie, what happened to you after you left?"

"Uh...it's sort of complicated," I said.

"I'll try to keep up."

"Um...I went to the Black Veil Brides concert that day and ended up going on tour with them when they found out I had nowhere to go. After a couple weeks Andy and I started dating. A few weeks into our relationship we did...you know...I was on the pill at the time and I thought I wouldn't get pregnant, but I did. A friend of mine who joined us on tour...she died and I felt guilty about the pregnancy, so I left without telling Andy about the baby."

"Ohh...So, um, how did you get back together?"

I could tell by my mother's tone that she was trying to absorb everything I told her, and the rest of my story would only make everything seem more complicated.

"I started working at a Starbucks and Andy and the rest of the guys from the band walked in. They recognized me and noticed I was pregnant- I was seven months along at that point. I moved in with Andy at an aquaintance's house and eventually we got back together."

"I guess I missed out on a lot, huh?"

"Yeah, you did. I really wished you could've been there for me most of the time, so I could ask you for advice. I went through so many things without a parent to guide me. Jinxx, from Black Veil Brides, ended up becoming a father figure to me. If it wasn't for him, I would be so lost."

"I'd like to meet this Jinxx so I could thank him for taking care of you."

I smiled, but my smile quickly faded at a sombering thought.

"Papa isn't going to walk me down the isle, is he?" I asked, blinking away tears.

"I-I don't think so. When your father found outthat you left, he said that he'd wished you had gone sooner. He cares more about booze and sleeping with twenty-year-old girls, than he ever cared about you or me. We're better off without that horny, asshole, alcoholic."

"B-but who will walk me down the isle and give me away to Andy?" I asked, the tears becoming harder to hold back.

"I think your friend, Jinxx, should be the one," my mother said.

"You think so?"

"You said it yourself that Jinxx became a sort of father figure to you. I believe he'd be the perfect one to give you away. He sounds more like a real father than your own."

"I think you're right, mama. Thanks for the advice."

"It's the least I could do, darling."

Andy walked into the room, carrying two large suitcases.

"I can show you to the guest bedroom," he said.

My mother bowed her head in thanks and followed him out of the room with Skylar still in her hands.

"Oh, by the way," Andy said, smiling, "Welcome to the family."

NOTE: Sorry about taking so long to update, but I have mid-terms next week as well as after school rehearsals for the show my school is performing at Area Thespian Conference, also I've been focussing more on the other fanfiction that I'm writing with a friend of mine. I'll try to update as soon as possible, but keep in mind there will probably only be about eight more chapters to this story and then everything is done. I love you duckies!

And Face Today (Sequel to We'll Brave This Storm)Where stories live. Discover now