Little Talks

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"I don't know, Andy," I sighed.

"Please, Princess."

"Is a crowded tour bus really the best place for Skylar?"

"You and Skylar can have the bedroom. I'll sleep in a bunk, I don't care. I just need you two there to keep me sane."

"Fine, but if it gets to the point where I don't think its a safe enviornment for Skylar, Skylar and I will leave. Deal?"

"Yes, thank you," Andy said before leaning in and kissing me passionately.

I could feel his smile as he kissed me and the rapid beating of his heart. He pulled away and pecked my lips a few times before kissing the top of my head and pulling me close to his chest.

"Should we go back inside?" Andy asked, rubbing circles in my hips.

"Can we just stay out here for a little while longer?"

"Of course."

Andy laid down on the grass and patted the spot next to him. I shook my head in disbelief at how cheesy he was. I plopped down next to him and rested my head on his chest as I stared up at the stars. Andy took some strands of my hair and began to twirl them in his fingers.

"I missed you while I was there," I whispered.

"I'd understand if you wouldn't want to talk about it, but what was it like there?"

"It was....different."

"How so?"

"Everyone there was so sad. They all had....issues, most of them worse than mine. They were good people, but it was depressing to know that most of them had no one to go home to that cared about them. It was really lonely too. I didn't have any friends to talk to while I was there. I was used to not talking to people and feeling like I didn't belong, but I wished I could have had one person who I could confide in without them being paid to listen to me. I had to talk to a therapist for an hour every day. Her name was Dr. Karin Kistle. She was okay, I guess, she was in her late twenties, so she was close to my age. She was pretty too, and she wasn't like the therapists that I had seen in movies and t.v. shows. I kind of liked her, but she kept on telling me why I did things. It's funny, she told me the only reason I harmed myself was a means to relieve my mental pain. She said that brief moment when I would destroy my skin by taking a razor to it, I didn't think about all of the emotional pain I was in, and that's why I kept on turning to cutting as a release. She also said that I had a lot of bottled anger that I took out on myself rather than taking it out on others. I never really realized it until she said it. I was thankful for that insight, but I wished she didn't say some other things."

"What things?" Andy asked quietly.

"She said the only reason she thought I loved you was because you saved me. She told me I was with you as a form of 'repayment.'"

"Was it true?" Andy asked me sadly.

"No! I swear to you, it is not true. I love you for so many reasons beyond you saving me. You're brave, kind, smart, creative, loving, protective, and most importantly, your soul is pure."

"You really think that about me?"

"Yes.You're perfect for me," I whispered, my eyes growing heavy.

Andy kissed the top of my head and whispered something that I didn't quite catch, because the next second I was passed out.


I woke up in a room with someone's warm arms wrapped around me. It took me a moment to realize that it was Andy.

I looked around the room, noticing that it was very different from the one that I shared with Andy.

"Andy," I whispered in his ear.

"What, babe?" he answered groggily, his eyes still closed.

"Where are we? And where's Skylar?"

"Ashley's. Last I checked, Diamond said she would take care of Skylar."

"What time is it?" I asked.


It was December 26th. Then that means.....

"Sorry for waking you up. Happy Birthday, Andy."

"Hmhmmm. Can we just go back to sleep? 'Cause the birthday boy wants to spend some time laying in bed with his fiancee."

"Alright, but we are doing something special for you later, okay?"

"Sure," Andy said into his pillow.

I chuckled and kissed his bare shoulder. I felt goose-bumps start to form on his back and I laughed.

"Stop being so damn sexy, or else I'm going to wake up," Andy whined.

"Sorry," I breathed into his neck.

Andy rolled over, his legs placed outside of mine with my hands being pinned down by his.

I began to breathe heavily as I looked into his eyes, which had significantly darkened. He leaned down and began kissing the exposed skin on my neck, leaving me breathless.

"Andy...." I moaned as he bit onto my sweet spot.

He pulled away and rolled of me.

"You're seriously leaving me like this?" I laughed.

Andy let out a deep chuckle and said, Hey, you're the one who woke me up."

"Well, I guess someone isn't getting their birthday present later, and I was so looking forward to wearing it," I teased.

Andy went wide-eyed and gulped loudly.

"Come on, it's time to get up. Besides, Diamond would probably want to be relieved from Skylar duty."

"Ugh...Fine," Andy sighed.

He was such a kid sometimes.

We got out of bed and found Diamond knocked out on the couch with Skylar asleep in her arms.

I slowly picked up Skylar, carefully as to not waker her, and cradled her in my arms.

"You make a great mother, you know?" Andy said.

"You make an amazing dad."

"I never in my life thought that I could be a part of making something so beautiful," Andy whispered as he looked down at Skylar.

"I never thought I'd have a kid, especially this young. I never wanted kids, but now that I have one, I couldn't imagine living without Skylar."

I took a long pause before saying what I was planning to say next.

"Andy...I was thinking that maybe sometime in the future that I'd like to have another kid with you."

Andy looked at me and his face showed nothing but complete and utter shock.

NOTE: I updated again! It's 1:30 where I am now, so I'm headed to bed. I love you duckies!

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