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January 9th, 1898. Godric's Hollow.

A loud crack echoed through the tiny village, interrupting the peaceful silence the locals were enjoying that cold winter's evening. The snow-covered trees stood still, sheltering the small cottages from onlookers from the streets.The sun was beginning to set on the horizon and lights were beginning to wink on in the cottages along the streets. A young man - a recent graduate from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry - had magically appeared on Church Lane, extremely infuriated by something.

The bitterly cold winter air hit his cheeks as he stormed down the street. His short blond hair had frozen at the tips and his light cotton clothes provided very little protection from the bitterly cold wind. His cheeks were a deep shade of red, from both the cold and his frustration. Albus Dumbledore had never been so angry in his life.

He and his friend, Elphias Doge, were about to set off on a grand world tour, visiting the greatest wizarding locations across the globe. However - these plans now had to be cancelled.

He had just received word from his wayward and annoying brother Aberforth, that their nuisance of a little sister Ariana, had had another one of her fits, causing an explosion that resulted in the death of their mother. The responsibility of looking after Ariana had now been forced upon him, resulting in the cancellation of his grand plans - all for a girl who killed his mother.

Of course, no one knew it was Ariana who caused Kendra Dumbledore's death - Aberforth made sure of that. It wasn't her fault that the muggle boys' actions caused her to become one of those things. Sometimes, Albus had a hard time remembering that, blinded by the damage done to his family following the attack on Ariana when she was just a young girl. First his father in Azkaban, and now his mother, dead.

As he headed to the cottage at the end of the street, he realised how much quieter Godric's Hollow had become. He forgot how long it had been since he'd moved out in his fifth year.

When he stormed in he found her sitting by the fire, staring into the mass of flickering orange. She was wearing a plain blue tea gown with her corset tied very loosely as usual. Her dirty blonde locks were tied back in a plait, with blue ribbons running through her hair. She turned her head to her enraged brother, and her innocent blue eyes began to tear up as her brother exclaimed the last thing she wanted to hear.

"You killed mother!"

Thankfully, Aberforth had already stepped in, defending her with every ounce of his soul against their arrogant eldest brother. Their screaming match lasted many long minutes, ending with Ariana running outside and praying that the evil inside her wouldn't spark another rage.

Dusk was on the horizon, painting the sky with oranges and pinks that contrasted marvellously with the subtly tinted snow that lined the rooftops and pathways on the small street. Her brother's tall leather boots kept her feet dry as she stalked away from the house, where the screams were slowly dying down.

Ariana Dumbledore had not had the most pleasant life - after the age of six. The muggle boys that had violently abused her still haunted her dreams to this day, triggering the uncontrollable creature that had formed inside of her. She had unintentionally put her father in prison, after he sought revenge on the muggle boys. He did not tell the Ministry the true reason for torturing them to insanity, as Ariana would have been placed in St. Mungo's after her developed... condition... had been discovered. As she grew older, it began to control her, more than she could control it. All it took was an outburst of frustration at her own self to cause an explosion, and one of them now had resulted in the death of her mother.

It wasn't her fault, Aberforth would tell her, but she was beginning to find that harder and harder to believe. The only members left of her broken family were at each other's throats.

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