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June 28th, 1898.

Ariana had never seen such Albus in such a forlorn, depressed state. For the last week, her eldest brother had locked himself up in his room, never once leaving to check on his little sister, who he had done such a poor job taking care of.

Aberforth told her to ignore his 'pathetic' absence, but she couldn't help but wonder what had put her outgoing, brilliant (yet egotistical) brother in such a mood. She knew it must have had something to do with Gellert, but with Aberforth watching her every move, she was unable to visit the cottage down the lane where the young foreign boy hadn't been seen out of for days.

Despite the glorious weather, this part of Godric's Hollow felt gloomy and desolate, with not a sign of happiness in sight. Ariana had spent the last week reading in her room, Aberforth preventing her from having any form of privacy outside it. Having finished the many books her companion had suggested she read, she spent hours staring out her window at the quiet surroundings, dreaming of the windy beaches many miles away and the beautiful forest she could just see on the horizon.

Today had been the same, but while she had been gazing out, lost in another world, she was unaware the someone had been watching her from behind another window.

Gellert couldn't deny he was fascinated with his friend's sister. She held a natural beauty and innocence that would attract any young man - but it was her sharp tongue and cheeky wit that had Gellert so flustered around her.

Watching her stare out the window, he constantly wondered what troubled her mind, wishing that the worry etched across her face would vanish. He couldn't understand what intrigued him so much about the girl, yet it didn't bother him in the least - she was a perfect distraction after his bitter brawl with Albus.

He wasn't oblivious to the looks his great-aunt was giving him over supper; she knew very well something went wrong between him and the eldest Dumbledore. In fact, today she had walked into the library - where he was quietly reading - and demanded that he go and make amends with his new friend.

So here he was, nervously biting his nails while staring across the distance at Ariana in the window trying to pluck up the courage to head towards the cottage only half a minute up the lane. It was only minutes later that Ariana noticed a figure strolling slowly towards her cottage, snapping her out of her forever gazing daze.

He was less presented than usual; his shirt's sleeves were rolled up, his black vest only half done up and his wand was sticking out of his pocket. She jumped off her bed, where she had been reading, and quietly yet quickly headed down the stairs to meet Gellert at the door.

"Hello Ariana," he smiled, although it didn't reach his eyes.

"Are you here to see Albus?" she asked, hoping this feud could end and she could see Gellert more often.

"I am. May I come in?" he asked politely, to which she hustled him in a directed him to the door to Albus's bedroom.

"I should probably go, Gellert. Albus doesn't like me," she whispered, and although Gellert was none to please to hear her words, he agreed.

She walked away from her brother's door, leaving Gellert to deal with Albus himself while she headed outside to avoid hearing any form of conflict between them.

The scorching hot summer air outside was a good distraction; walking to the pond not too far from the cottage, she dipped her feet into the cool water while plucking daisies from the grass to form a daisy chain of flowers to place over her soft blonde hair.

Oblivious to the tense conversation that was taking place inside her home, she wondered how long it would be until Aberforth noticed she had escaped for a few moments of peace.

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