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July 21st, 1898.

Laying in the grassy fields outside the cottage, Ariana slowly mended her dress that had been damaged in her inner demon's last outburst. She had been avoiding Gellert for weeks, her mind clouded with mixed feelings about his intentions. Having hoped that her distress around the situation would go away, she was unpleasantly met with even more stress that continued to put that thing inside of her on edge. Which is why he dress was now torn and the basement was now destroyed.

She felt a great sense of relief when Albus took the 'no-magic' spell off the basement, but she found banging into the stone walls as her Obscurus burst out of control... rather painful. Although that thing was no longer torturing her, while trying to escape her body, she found that as a consequence of letting it out resulted in bruises littering up her body as the days went by.

Her brother's had noticed her Obscurus playing up more often as well. In fact, when Ariana wouldn't calm down one night, Albus had threatened to lock her in the basement - leaving her there until 'that thing' stopped playing up. Albus, however, soon faced the bitch that is karma - a rather nasty black eye from being attacked by the supernatural force. Unbeknownst to her, Gellert had caught Albus trying to hide the injury and had decided that he'd had enough of Ariana ignoring him.

So here he stood, unsure of his next move as he watched Ariana sewing something in the meadow. Would she agree with anything he says? It was then that Ariana noticed a shadow approaching her, causing her head to whip around in fright as her brother's best friend halted in front of her.

"Gellert, why is it you sneak up on me?" she questioned, putting her ripped dress aside.

"Apologies for frightening you, Ariana, it was certainly not my intention."

He sat down beside her on the dry grass, twisting a piece of long grass in his fingers as an awkward silence filled the air.

"Well?" asked Ariana, annoyed, wishing the handsome young man hadn't come and found her.

"You have been avoiding me, Ariana," he stated, turning his gaze towards her.

She didn't respond for quite some time.

"Tell me, Gellert, did you convince my brother to take the magic-less spell off the cellar so I could be free or so you could win my trust and use my power for your devious little plans you and Albus have made together?"

He had been taken aback at her harshness, but found himself speechless to the question. In truth, he didn't know himself what his intentions regarding Ariana were anymore. Which of the two intentions she said was the truth?

"I don't know, Ariana, I don't know. But I do not see you as an object - I'm not that low," he responded.

"If you don't see me as an object, then what on earth do I mean to you? All I should ever be and have been is your friend's little sister."

"I know Ariana. But, unfortunately, both you and I have developed... something that should've never happened in the first place," he snapped back, frustration rising up within him.

"And who's fault is that Gellert?"

"Both of our faults, Ariana - as much as you'd like to deny that. We are both rather stubborn in denial."

She didn't respond after that, letting an awkward silence fill the air as they sat in the long grass, Ariana's stitching abandoned as she began to fiddle with the grass.

"What's it like?" she asked Gellert, "What's the outside world like?"

"Well, it depends, where have you been other than here in Godric's Hollow?"

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