Rats' Revenge (Ratatoullie)

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  What was left of the old woman under us gave a little twitch and then, that was it. We killed her. Her tortured body being infested with blood-thirsty, starving rats that have had enough. The look she gave me as my brothers rushed over her made my heart drop. No one understands why I'm like this, feeling sorry for people that have put us through Hell. That didn't give a damn if we died. But I do. I care if they die. We are truly hideous and if I were one of them, I would be terrified and kill them myself. Our beady eyes, our nasty look.

The woman was up-most horrified from the infest of rats in her kitchen. I understand why she put the gun to my head. Then pointed it around furiously, wondering if she should shoot. We exchanged looks and she looked at me with disgust after awhile and shuddered. That's when the rats attacked her and she fell, lifeless as rats dug into her eyes and stomach.

When I bit into her, concentrating on the taste, all I could hear were screams of pain and the cursing of scared people. Then garnet (a shade of red :p) liquid flashed before my eyes, splattering across the blackness. I quickly ran up on the counter and ate a grape, concentrating on it's taste this time, eventually calming down my racing heart.


Our next victim was a young male. After he finished arguing with his girlfriend and she left, we quickly ran at him. Before he could comprehend what was happening, we were tearing him to shreds, our little hearts pounding at the sound of his shrieks of pain. This man and I also shared a look. He gave me a look of desperation, as if he thought I could stop all of this torture, then was blocked out of my view when three more rats jumped on his face and took out his eyeballs. Quickly nibbling at them before anyone else could get a taste. How could they enjoy this? Crazed rats, they were. They changed into harmful little things that were ready to attack any human that stood in front of them.


We feasted on 4 people that day, 7 the next day, 2 the next. We were scattering all over town, ready to pounce at anyone.

"Rats have been eating at us, 15 innocent people dead. First, Glarimore Rubin (63 y/o), then Richard Tuggermorn (24 y/o), then Kana Flender (17 y/o). How many more of us will get -the reporter's eyes widen- eaten? We'll be back with more. You're on...Channel 2 news."

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