Chapter 1: The Last First Day

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**beep** **beep** **beep**
I groaned as I rolled over to shut my alarm off on my phone. Getting up this damn early to go to high school or better known as hell was not worth it. Thankfully this was my last year and boy was it bittersweet. Senior year would be fun but it would also consist of days where I would probably just want to cry. I decided this year would be the best year yet, and I would try to live a bit more than my previous years. I was well known in the school but wasn't a popular, you could thank that for being a socially awkward person. I hopped out of bed and got ready for the day that was about to begin. I cranked up my beats pill and turned on one direction. Guess I wanted a little throwback or something not really sure. Maybe because I had Harry on my brain alot lately and I couldn't quite sort that out either. But I pushed aside my thoughts as I finished my hair and makeup. My mom took a few still shots  while walking out to the car since it was my last year of high school.


Class after class went by until the day was nearly half way over. For one of my last classes of the day I was an office aide. The daily duties of an aide varied, one day I could be making copies, another I could just be doing nothing, but on a good day I may even get to show new students to their classes. And on this very first day that's exactly what I got to do, show a new guy around the school. I did a double take as he came swiftly through the doors removing his ray bans from his perfectly tanned skin. He had such great attire for a high school boy, I was so amazed that my jaw was probably hanging on the floor. This boy looked unmistakably like THE Harry Styles, minus the tattoos. In my head the Taylor Swift lyrics began to play, "you've got that long hair slicked back, white T-shirt," because that is exactly what that he had on. He had long hair, and a white t-shirt, but it couldn't possibly be Harry because this guy didn't have a single tattoo. He continued walking until he reached the front desk, only a few people in front of him stopping him from coming closer. The secretary motioned for me to help him, I gulped hard as a dimple emerged from his cheek. "Hello, how can I help you?" I asked nervously. "I need to enroll for classes," he grinned with a thick British accent. I stared blankly at him momentarily until I finally got the secretary's attention. "Bring him down to the counselors and then wait with him until he's done filling out papers to show him around." I nodded and smiled at her as I stood up from my chair and leaving the office. I was tall for being a girl, but standing next to this new boy was sort of intimidating as he easily towered over me. "Well hello miss.....?" "Kylie" I answered quickly with a smile. "Ah, Kylie what a beautiful name, for a beautiful girl." I smiled again turning bright red, "well thank you Mister.....?" "St...Smith.. Mark Smith." He stuttered around with his words as I looked confused. I pointed to the door that we would be going into as he stepped in front of me to open it. My goodness was this boy giving me butterflies. We sat patiently waiting until the counselor was ready for Mark.
"So what classes are you taking this year Kylie?"
"I am taking college english, algebra 3, yearbook, office aide, art and athletics." "An athletic girl, wow." He winked as he nudged my shoulder. I blushed and rolled my eyes. "Who is next??!" The counselor hollered out of her office, Mark stood up and walked in strangely closing the door behind him. I again just ignored the oddness and sat quietly until he was done. The door came open as the curly haired boy came walking out.
We walked out into the hallway and ripped his schedule from his hands scanning it to see which classes he was placed into. A low chuckle escaped beside me at my actions and I furrowed my eyes in confusion.. college english, college algebra, yearbook, office aide and art. I looked up at him confused as we continued to walk down the hallway. "Mark, why did you get the same schedule as me? You know you really remind me of someone." He pulled my hand to quicken our steps away from the classrooms until we reached a set of lockers. He shoved me lightly into them, and my breath heaved deeper. "Kylie, you can't tell." I looked at him confused. "What in the hell are you talking about?!" I quietly shouted. "You know what I'm talking about... my name isn't Mark." My skin flushed white and my jaw dropped to the floor again, instantly feeling dizzy I gasped. "Then what is your name?" He looked at me annoyed, "Harry.. it's Harry." I continued staring at him. "You've got to be kidding me."

****hope you enjoy! Whose your fav? Do you think 1D will get back together?? Comment what you think.

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