Chapter 9: Well This is Interesting

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I stood in my room fidgeting with some of my things in my room waiting for Harry to get done. The water suddenly turned off and I knew that would be my cue that I was next to shower. I gathered some not so sweaty clothing and waited patiently. Footsteps began coming closer until his tall figure stood in my doorway, again revealing his tan body. My eyes scanned down admiring his V-line right above the towel hanging around his hips. " What might you be admiring there?!" A low chuckle with a smirk left his mouth. My eyes grew wide and a smile began to appear on my lips, "oh nothing Styles!" He took at step forward and grabbed my face to kiss me again. I wrapped my arm around his neck intensifying the mini make out sess. He stepped pushing my body back slightly towards the bed. The handle on the front door began to jingle and turn breaking Harry apart as I quickly rushed into the bathroom shutting the door almost instantly. Kylie I'm home!" I heard my mother's voice. Shortly after I heard Harry's replying back, "She's in the shower, we had a bit of a workout today in athletics." I was quite shocked how fast Harry got dressed, but glad he saved my arse. After that I could only hear bits and pieces of their conversation. "Eventually I will yes, but not now," Harry said and some more indistinct sentences were shared. But the next thing I heard my mother say to Harry absolutely broke my heart and reopened some wounds that hadn't been opened for me in quite a long time. "I totally get it but she can't take another broken heart and clearly you have that label on you. Now I know it's not fair of me to judge but it's just so risky, it was such hell on her, Harry I can't even begin to tell you." The tears distinctly started running down my cheeks and the memories flooded my mind. I could hear the front door shut, and I just knew it was the last time I would be seeing Harry after the storytime my mom had with him. I finally decided to get out of the shower and get dressed, although Harry probably wasn't going to hang out with me. As I opened the bathroom door my mom's face appeared, "Hey Sweetheart." "He left didn't he?" "Now honey-" "Mom don't avoid the question, did he leave?" Her words burned my ears instantly, "Yes. I'm afraid that he did." I pushed my way through to go to my bedroom. All I wanted to do was write a song about it, so that's exactly what I began doing... Until my phone buzzed.

H: Sorry to head out so fast, be back in a bit something came up.
K: Thank goodness. Thought my mom scared you off and thought I lost you. :(
H: Pick you up in a few?
K: Yeah. If I can *smh
H: Sure you can. See you in about 15 min.
K: Okay :)

"Mom!!!!" I hollered loudly, "can I hang out with Harry in like 15 minutes?" "Of course sweetheart!" She hollered back, and a big relief came over me.
I quickly headed to my room to put a bit of makeup on so I didn't look completely horrific. Before I knew it 10 minutes had passed I grabbed my purse and waited til the beautiful black Range Rover pulled into my driveway. Seeing the car made a smile come across my face, "mom he's here!" My mom came from her room, "bye sweetheart, be smart, stay safe, love you much." "Love you too!" With a kiss on the cheek I was out the door. Harry stood holding the passenger door open being the sweet man he was. Whenever I thought about him and his family and all of this I couldn't help but let it make me so happy and proud no matter what we were. "Hey love," Harry interupted my thoughts while kissing me on the cheek. "Hi, get everything taken care of at home?" "Yeah, well kinda-ish. Can we hang at my place for a bit while I sort it all out?" "Of course!" "Thanks love." And with that his warm hand wrapped around mine. Til I heard the sentence come out of his mouth anyways. "After I get that sorted out we need to talk about you and the past thing with that guy." I'm sure I instantly turned pale and cold, I hadn't talked about that guy in many years and let alone with anyone but my mom. Guess this was either gonna make or break my relationship with Harry. I swallowed hard, "yeah.. I suppose."

Hi. Been a long time again. I apologize.. I lead a busy life. But I've been working on this chapter for a bit and hope it's the best one yet! I heard Harry could possibly be performing and debuting one of his new songs at the Grammy's!!!!
P.s.. do you like the setup of this chapter or previous ones more?
Xx - K

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