Chapter 8: A Bit of Competition

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Harry and I headed to athletics, the final class of the day. We headed our separate ways to go to the locker rooms to get changed into something more workout appropriate. We all met in a circle and talked until the coach got out there, Harry stood behind me with his arms wrapped around my waist which made me happy. All we did was run a few laps around the track and we were done. It was so nice to not do a ton, yet enough to stay in shape. Harry of course wasn't satisfied with just a few laps. He stayed and hit the weights, "want to join me love?" I hesitated at first but then decided it would only help me that much more. "I suppose, St-Smith." My face turned bright red instantly until he picked me up and spun me around to reassure me that my mistake was forgiven. Once we began to lift I felt my adrenaline rise. It was kinda like I was in competition mode against Harry but he was obviously lifting way more than me, but I still enjoyed the competitive feeling. I could tell that Harry loved it though as a smirk began to appear on his face. "Damn, I better watch out or my babe is gonna have more guns than me," he laughed after I finished my bench reps. I rolled my eyes and began blushing, "your babe?" "Well yeah.." he added quietly. After the workout sess we headed to my house. "Can I bring you out in a bit?" He asked with slight enthusiasm. "Of course," I smiled back. "Okay, well I'm gonna run home and shower and I'll be back in a bit alright." "You could shower here ya know," I laughed. "It's alright, I don't mind goin home.." "really, it's fine.. just shower here and then we can head out!" He playfully acted annoyed with slight happiness in his voice, "fine then." We headed into my house and threw our stuff down. "The bathroom's there," I pointed down the small hallway and Harry walked that way. A few minutes later and the water kicked on. Then suddenly the curly haired boy appeared in front of me his boxers being the only thing that kept him from being completely exposed. "Where are the towels? I looked quick but couldn't find em," he asked. I felt my breathes deepen and get faster as I tried to ignore his beautiful body and focus on the question. I walked down the hallway to the closet that held the bathroom materials and retrieved a towel. Slowly, I held it in front of me to give it to Harry, my eyes never leaving his. "Here you are." The deep stare continued until I reached up to pull Harry's face into mine to kiss me. He walked backwards towards the bathroom never pulling us apart until we were standing in the shower getting soaked. I laughed loudly, "oh my goodness Harry." But that wasn't the end of our first make out session together, he lifted me up allowing me to wrap my legs around his lower back as pushed my back into the wall of the shower we continued to kiss. He tugged at the bottom of my shirt indicating that he wanted it off but I broke the kiss and chose otherwise. Both of us breathing heavily I looked down at Harry, as he still had me pushed against the wall. "Not yet Haz, I just don't wanna move to fast.. especially being my first relationship and everything. "I agree. Its totally understandable babe. We'll just take our time." He kissed my neck and put me down. "I'll be out here, waiting.." and I left the bathroom soaking wet. So I guess it was basically agreed that we were already an item.. although neither of us had said it to each other or Harry had asked me to be his girlfriend.. it was just sort of assumed and that made me smile like an idiot. I was basically dating Harry Styles, my dream boy, and he was taking a shower.. in my house...MY HOUSE! I was just waiting for someone to pinch me to wake me up.

Wow.. I apologize. It's been way too long!! But again, I'm a senior athlete and so I'm super busy! So go easy on me! Hope you have enjoyed the story so far! Thanks for readin!

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