Chapter 6

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Renesmee winces as the alarm starts blaring so early on a Saturday morning.  She reluctantly opens her eyes, blinking up at the ceiling in confusion.  Then she remembers the reason she was up at seven on a weekend. She grudgingly gets out of bed and proceeds to get ready.  An hour and a half later, a fully dressed and ready Renesmee goes downstairs to see May and Ben eating breakfast. When the duo sees her, they stare at her in shock, unmoving.

“Take a picture, it’ll last longer,” grins Renesmee, and Ben and May recover from their initial shock.

“That’s the most clichéd line in the book,” groans Ben and Renesmee laughs.

“What are you doing wake? At seven thirty? AM? On a Saturday morning?” interjects May, bombarding her niece with questions.

“Jeez, I didn’t know it was a crime to be up early,” says Renesmee playfully, holding her hands in front of her in defense.

Aunt May rolls her eyes, but looks at Renesmee expectantly, as Ben looks on with an amused smile on his face.

“I’m going out,” Renesmee simply says.



“Renesmee,” says Aunt May, her tone highly disapproving and Renesmee sighs in surrender.

“We have a science project, so I’m going downtown to do some research on it, visit a few companies or laboratories maybe,” lies Renesmee, trying to sound and look as honest as possible, though what she was saying was partly true.

“Do you have a partner?” inquires Ben.

“Nope, it’s a solo project”

“You can go,” allows Ben and May immediately whacks him on the head with her newspaper.

“What was that for?” whines Ben, as Renesmee tries to hold her laughter in.

“Laughing is not going to make matters any easier missy,” starts May, pointing at the red head with her fork, effectively shutting her up “As for you Benjamin, you cannot give her permission to do things so easily!” May reprimands her husband and Ben smiles sheepishly.

“I promise I’ll be home before dinner,” reasons Renesmee.

“So, you’re out for breakfast and lunch?” questions May.

“Yeah, I’ll grab coffee and a sandwich on my way and I’ll have lunch somewhere and then I’ll be back by, let’s say, by five,” says Renesmee, giving her most adorable smile to her interrogating Aunt.

“All right, you can go. But, I want a text message saying where you are every two hours,” smiles Aunt May.

“Will do. So I’ll see you guys later!”

“Wait, are you taking your bike or taking the train?” asks Ben.

“Taking my bike of course”

“All right then. Have fun!” laughs Ben, as the girls join in.

Renesmee grabs her jacket and keys, waving goodbye and then gets on her bike. During the whole one hour journey, the only thing Renesmee can think of is what she might stumble upon in her quest for answers. Admittedly, Renesmee is afraid of discovering something that may shatter the little hope she always had in her parents coming back and the fact that they actually cared about her.


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