Chapter 11

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Renesmee winces as the sunlight fills her room, falling directly on her face. She turns around, burying her face in the pillow, desperately craving more sleeping. She lays there for a few minutes but when she realizes she is not going to be able to fall asleep again, she turns around again, rubbing her eyes tiredly. She sits up, squinting in the bright light and suddenly last night's events come rushing back to her. She sighs; confusion and annoyance clear on her face. She reaches for the glass of water on her bedside table. She holds the glass, her fingers wrapping around it firmly, like she did every morning.

"Crap!" yells Renesmee in frustration as the glass shatters in her grip, the tiny shards of glass tinkling on the floor, her hand soaked. She wipes it furiously against her comforter, a frown etched on her face.

Renesmee sighs, and walks over to the bathroom, stripping her clothes off along the way. A long, hot shower was exactly what she needed right now, to help her calm her nerves. An hour later, she steps out of the bathroom, steam lingering behind her. She quickly changes into her clothes and falls onto her bed. She looks around, at the shattered wood and glass, the broken photo frame. Suddenly, the tantalizing aroma of waffles hits her and her stomach grumbles. Well, she hadn't eaten since late last afternoon. She then remembers the source behind the aroma. She has to apologize to Aunt May and Uncle Ben. It had been such a long time since she had even snapped at them, almost two years since their first argument had happened, and she knew they were not expecting it. And as much as she wanted to deny it, it had hurt them. She smacks her forehead with the palm of her hand in irritation. She knew she had to swallow her pride and deliver the apology that her family deserved.

"Man Up Ness!" Renesmee thinks to herself, trying to ignore the butterflies in her stomach, due to her nervousness but also the fact that she used Xavier's nickname for her without a second thought. She shakes her head, a small smile on her face, when she thinks about the dark-blonde haired boy, who seemed to have stolen her heart, dominated her feelings, since she first saw him, almost seven years ago. It was only growing since his first words to her. 'Are you okay?' she remembers with a sigh. If only she could answer that question now.

She leaves her room, softly smiling to herself when the familiar friendly banter between May and Ben reaches her ears. She frowns, she hadn't even left the room, she shouldn't be able to clearly hear what they were talking about from this distance. She shrugs it off, and proceeds to go to the kitchen. She enters, to see May at the cooking and Ben squeezing fresh juice out of ripe oranges. The duo looks up in surprise when they notice their niece standing in the doorway, her face slightly unsure, but otherwise normal and calm.

"Morning," greets Renesmee softly.

"Good Morning Kiddo," say May and Ben in unison, quickly snapping back into reality.

"You're just in time, food's almost ready," says May and Renesmee smiles in response.

Renesmee takes a seat at the table and Ben hands her a glass of juice, which Renesmee accepts gratefully. May quickly finishes a few more waffles and joins her husband and niece at the table. She puts the waffles in their plate, slathering Renesmee's with chocolate and whipped cream, just like the red head likes it. Renesmee takes a few bites, smiling appreciatively at her Aunt and then clears her throat, causing their attention to turn to her.

"I'm sorry about last night. It was was just a bad day and it was wrong for me to take it out on you. So I'm sorry," apologizes Renesmee, her tone absolutely sincere.

"It's okay," says Ben and May nods in agreement, causing Renesmee to look at them in surprise. She certainly expected a screaming match or another argument, considering that is what happened last time.

"That's it? No lecture, no nothing?" Renesmee questions, disbelief clear on her face.

"Would you like a lecture?" asks May, her tone only faintly amused.

"No I'll pass," says Renesmee quickly. "I was just wondering, I said quite a few things last night, but as I said, I regret everything that came out of my mouth last night"

"At the very least, did you mean what you said about your father last night?" asks Ben.


"Well, in that case, I did not appreciate your behavior last night. Not in a million years did I expect you to be this disrespectful Renesmee Parker. I do not want that sort of attitude in this house again," May instructs firmly, "That said, what the hell happened yesterday? You haven't behaved like that for as long as I can remember"

"Like I said, it was just a bad day," repeats Renesmee.

"We both know that's not the truth, so cut the crap," says Aunt May, her rare no-nonsense tone showing, "What happened yesterday that caused you to snap like that Nessie?"

"I promise you that it won't happen again so we don't need to talk about it," dismisses Renesmee, her voice final, her eyes briefly flashing with the same burning anger and impatience from last night, but it doesn't go unnoticed by her family.

"Renesmee, I am going to ask you one last time, and you will answer me honestly. What the hell happened to you last night?" says Aunt May, impatience and disapproval clear on her face.

"Just drop it!" yells Renesmee, banging her fist on the table in frustration. She pushes her chair away back from the table, causing a glass to fall with the force. She ignores it, trying to control her anger. Without a backward glance, Renesmee grabs her leather jacket and her bike keys and is out of the door before May and Ben can even process what just happened.

"Well, that went well," says Ben, trying to lighten the mood once he and his wife recover from their initial shock, only to receive a glare in return. If looks could kill.

Written and Uploaded as a little gift for an amazing friend!

Happy Birthday S!




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