Chapter 7

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Renesmee parks her bike outside Oscorp, her eyes widening when she actually saw the ridiculously large size of the building with her own eyes. Her eyes immediately train to the various commemorative plaques, most of them dedicated to the cross-breed species research, the most successful ongoing research for the past twenty years. Renesmee enters the building, fascinated by the advanced technology surrounding her, technology she didn’t even know existed. Renesmee goes over to the reception and smiles at the brunette sitting behind the counter.

“I’m here to see Dr. Connors,” says Renesmee, trying to look confident and sure as to avoid suspicion.

“Oh, you’re here for the special tour with him right? Miss Rhodes?” says the over-eager receptionist, after a quick glance at her list.

“Yes,” Renesmee nods her head confidently, a smile on her face.

“Well, here is your identity card. Keep the card with you at all times till you leave the building, or there may be consequences. Have a nice day,” smiles the receptionist.

“Thank you so much…” Nessie quickly glances at the receptionist’s name tag, “Vanessa,” smiles Renesmee, receiving another smile in return.

Renesmee walks off in the direction she pointed to by Vanessa, awe-struck by the extraordinary scientific instruments around her. She had read all about them but never thought that they were actually true, up till now. She rushes up to the group Vanessa pointed her to, gasping when she sees the dark-blonde haired guy leading the tour. Xavier. She quickly hides at the back, behind everyone else, to avoid being seen by the object of her affections. Of all the people in New York, it had to be Xavier Hale who was leading the tour.

“Welcome to Oscorp Industries,” starts Xavier, his signature breathtaking smile on his face, making a few of the girls, and some of the guys too, swoon looking at his flawlessness and Renesmee smirks at the reaction.  “Today, our tour focuses on every aspect of research that is happening in this building. As you can see, the technology surpasses anything that you would have ever seen and is as complicated and delicate as it looks, so it’s better that you don’t touch anything you are not supposed to, no matter what. Stick with the group and nothing will go wron-“Xavier is cut off with a yell of a person close to reception, who is forcibly being dragged out of the building.

“Well you see what could happen,” says Xavier, an amused smile on his face as everyone present nods in agreement. Renesmee involuntarily smiles because of Xavier, even though she is avoiding being in his line of eyesight.

“I’d like all of you to welcome Dr. Curtis Connors. He is the brilliant mind behind the cross-breed species, a research that we are going to learn about today,” introduces Xavier as Dr. Connors walks up from behind him and everyone claps for him. Renesmee eyes immediately flash to him, her stomach twisting when she sees the man from the photos with her father, only older.

“Thank you,” smiles Dr. Connors. “Everyone present should know that it is an honor to be able to witness the miracles that you see right now. It’s an incredible opportunity to witness these great inventions without actually doing anything. It’s not easy, and I should know due to my right handedness,” laughs Dr. Connors, referring to the fact that he doesn’t have a left arm and the others join in, as Renesmee feels a twinge of guilt for stealing this opportunity from the real ‘Miss Rhodes’.

“Let me ask all of you a question related to my research. How do you think we actually make cross-breeds?” asks Dr. Connors, only to have blank faces staring back at him.

“Stem Cells?” someone asks.

“Stem cells to have similar properties, but in the longer run, they are not successful, so no that’s wrong,” replies Dr. Connors.

“Combining two different bio-signatures,” says Renesmee quietly, unable to resist.

The crowd slightly moves to the side to see from who the answer came from. Coral green eyes lock with dark blue ones, and Xavier’s looks at Renesmee in surprise and shock, his head snapping down at his list to double check the fact that he was absolutely sure that the red head was certainly not a part of it.

Renesmee ignores Xavier and continues when she sees Dr. Connors looking at her expectantly,”When you combine the bio-signatures of two different creatures, for example, we have a man and a lizard in question. Lots of reptiles have the unique property of limb regeneration, like the lizard does with its tail. So if you take some of the lizard’s bio-signature and cure it, make it absolutely perfect and adaptable with a human body, you can mix it with the human’s DNA, which would give the human in question the physical properties of a lizard, the most obvious one being limb regeneration. If you get it right, you could do it with any two creatures,” explains Renesmee, briefly explaining what she read in her father’s papers, smiling internally at the awe-struck looks she was receiving.

“That’s correct,” smiles Dr. Connors, “And who are you?”

Renesmee face breaks into alarm, but her blonde savior comes to her rescue.

”One of Prep Academy’s best and brightest,” smiles Xavier, “Second in class actually,” he clarifies and Dr. Connors nods in understanding.

“Second? You sure about that,” inquires Renesmee.

“Pretty sure, considering I’m first,” smirks Xavier and everyone laughs.

“Touché,” Renesmee mouths to Xavier, who winks back in return.

“So what are you doing here?” Xavier asks Renesmee while the group is being talked to by another intern after Dr. Connors excuses himself.

“I work here,” blurts out and Xavier looks at her with a disbelieving but amused look, “I mean, well, that’s what I was going to say to someone who asked me that question but you know that I don’t work here. So that excuse is void. Well, I like science,” rambles Renesmee, settling for the first excuse that came to her mind.

“That’s the excuse you’re going to go for?”


“All right then. Considering you haven’t exactly been screened to make sure that you qualify to be part of this tour, please don’t touch anything and then I won’t have to ask you to leave.  Clear?” says Xavier, his face a mask of mock demand and anger.

“Yes boss. Now go back to work and don’t miss me too much. I’ll see you Monday Xav,” says Renesmee, smiling and walking back to the group, leaving Xavier slightly dumbfounded, but satisfied.

A few seconds after Xavier is out of sight, Renesmee spots Dr. Connors leaving the area and slips away from everyone else, following him, bursting with curiosity.

After a few minutes, Dr. Connors comes to a stop, as does Renesmee, outside a door marked with capital letters. The words embossed on the door made Renesmee think that all her answers were behind it.

‘Cross-Breed Specialists ONLY’


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