Chapter 2

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“Are you okay?” asks Xavier, his eyes full of concern.

Renesmee nods dumbly, “Ye- yes,” she stammers as Xavier laughs softly. He gathers Renesmee’s stuff and puts it in her bag.

“Hey, that doesn’t look too good,” he says, referring to the cut on Renesmee’s forearm, and Renesmee looks down surprised, noticing it for the first time.

“Come on, I’ll take you to the nurse,” smiles Xavier, holding Renesmee’s stuff despite her protests. “I’m Xavier Hale, by the way, in case you didn’t know,” he grins sheepishly.

“Renesmee Parker,” introduces Renesmee, unable to keep the foolish grin off her face.

“So how did you get into an argument with Brianna in the first place?”

“Oh, Brianna was just being…..Brianna, to put it nicely. I swear to God that girl has no direction or purpose in life….” smiles Renesmee as Xavier laughs.

 The duo reaches the nurse’s office, who quickly bandages the cut back up, not questioning about what caused the injury.

“Let’s go, I’ll drop you home,” says Xavier, again refusing to let Renesmee hold her own things.

“You know, I am not close to death, I can very well carry my own things,” says Renesmee exasperated. “And no thank you. I appreciate the offer, but I have my bike and I am pretty capable to drive myself home.”

“See, that’s where I disagree. I am not going to let you ride on your bike in this condition. It’s a death trap when people can’t think clearly”

“I can think clearly! Even if I did let you drop me home, where will my bike go?” challenges Renesmee, crossing her arms.

“In the back of my truck. If you think you can change my decision, you’re wrong. It looks like Renesmee Parker has finally met her match,” smirks Xavier.

“Okay then, you’re taking me home it seems,” relents Renesmee and Xavier guides her to his car.

“You know, you don’t seem like a ‘pickup truck’ sort of guy,” says Renesmee when they reach his truck.

“Oh, I’m not, I almost hate the vehicle. My brothers and I are going camping for the night so it’s easier to carry the things in the truck,” answers Xavier. “So, where’s your bike?”

“Over there,” says Renesmee, pointing in its direction.

“Woah…Is that a restored Harley?” asks Xavier in shock and Renesmee nods in agreement.

“Well, that makes you my new favorite person. I can’t wait to see you straddling it, completely dressed in leather,” teases Xavier and Renesmee blushes and laughs. “ You have to let me ride it someday though…please?”

“Of course. Good luck in lifting that bike up”

“Oh, I’ll just roll it up the ramp,” laughs Xavier and Renesmee joins in. Xavier does exactly that, making sure it’s secure enough to not fall.

“After you,” says Xavier, holding the passenger door open for Nessie. Renesmee smiles and climbs into the pickup.

“I have to say, I’m impressed that you can ride a bike like that. It has to be a challenge,” compliments Xavier as Renesmee blushes.

“So, where are you going camping?” asks Renesmee.

“Just up to Stone Tavern”

“It’s beautiful this time of the year,” agrees Renesmee.

“So, tell me something about yourself,” blurts out Xavier, extremely intrigued by the quiet, reserved redhead.

“Pretty forward eh?” laughs Renesmee. “Well, ask me something you want to know. Keep in mind I am going to make you answer the question you ask me”

“What do you like to do?”

“I love to sketch and I’m a pretty awesome photographer, You?”

“I’m more of a bookworm sort of guy, though I love a good game of football. I love spending time with my brothers more than anything. What would you like to be when you grow up?” asks Xavier.

“A photographer, no questions asked. Your turn,”


“That’s ambitious,” says Renesmee, surprised. “What kind?”

“Definitely a surgeon,” answers Xavier with a smile.

“Now I’m impressed. I didn’t expect the Xavier Hale to actually have such amazing dreams,” compliments Renesmee.

“Well, I do what I can do. So, tell me something you have never told anyone before. That’s only if you are comfortable talking to me”

“I find it incredibly easy and comfortable to talk to you,” admits Renesmee shyly, as Xavier’s face breaks into a breathtaking smile.

“Me too,” smiles Xavier.

“Well, I live with my Aunt and Uncle. My parents died left me in their care when I was three. I haven’t heard anything from them since then and I have made peace with it but my life with my aunt and uncle is pretty good. Earlier, I had a pretty mean rebellious streak, you may have heard of it a few years back. Through my art and photography though, it’s easy to express myself without anything or anyone else getting hurt in the way, or any rules getting broken,” smiles Renesmee, as Xavier laughs softly. “What about you?”

“Well, I live with my parents and my three little brothers. Life at home is good, with the exception of my father at times,” Renesmee raises an eyebrow at that but Xavier continues, “My dad has a very dominating personality. Everything has to be his way, which is of course, the perfect way. He is a good father, there’s no denying that, but he has these rules of his which make it easy to resent him at times. For example, I am not allowed to date anyone until I get into college or th-“

“He won’t let you date anyone?” interrupts Renesmee, her eyes wide.

Xavier laughs but nods, “He thinks it is a distraction. He is extremely overprotective and treats me like I am a four year old, which can get old, fast. He also expects me to join the police force, like he did, instead of being a doctor. He thinks it’s a noble job and everything, but it isn’t what a ‘Watson’ is born to do”

 “No offence, but that is plain stupid!” defends Renesmee, her eyebrows scrunching together in disdain.

“I certainly agree with you there Ness,” laughs Xavier.

“Ness?” questions Renesmee with a smile.

“If you don’t mind me calling you that”

“I’m just teasing you. I like it,” assures Nessie, laughing at his worried expression.


“You have to get used to it!”

“You’re gonna stick around then?”

“Definitely,” declares Renesmee, in her burst of confidence.

“Wait a minute. Rewind. Did you say ‘Watson’? You’re Xavier Hale, aren’t you?”

“Watson is my father’s name. I took my mom’s name because it pisses him off a little,” admitted Xavier with a sheepish smile.

Renesmee laughs, her bright blue eyes sparkling.

“Your destination has arrived,” says Xavier dramatically, breaking the momentary silence, as Renesmee looks around in surprise at the familiar street.

“How did you know where I live?”


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