Stories The Butterfly Told Me

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I held it in my hands close to my heart - that's how I heard it you know - the butterfly. It told me all of its stories; big as small, beautiful as unpleasant, crucial as insignificant. There were stories of hatred and love, winter and summer, boys and girls - all different kind of accounts from all over the world...


I really like it. It's complex and very difficult to understand. You begin to ask yourself all the questions the girl asks. It's like a mental exercise, you know. I myself questioned the order of the chapters, who is the butterfly and why is the butterfly telling her all those stories and more importantly: are they just stories?

It's really great and for people who like to solve mysteries, this is your book, honey. It's personally perfect for me, but I know some people will not like it. Give it a chance and read it, it won't disappoint.

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