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The Funeral

I watched helplessly as Stefan walked up the steps to say a few words about Elyssa. He looked sad, worse than I had, worse than I do now. It was strange to see your best friend in a casket, right in front of you. I had wanted to sit in the far back away from it, but it seemed wherever my eyes began to wander, they always refocused back on the casket. Flowers of all different colors decorated the top of the it that had been closed. I know this is bad of me to say, but I wished the whole casket was closed because then this wouldn't be so painful. I could make up some otherworldly explanation as to whose funeral I was at. I could remind myself that Elyssa was home, perhaps writing in her diary, or reading a book on her large window seat. She was probably looking out her bay window and saw a beautiful oak tree with leaves sprouting off branches.

Whalst Stefan spoke, I could feel my clammy hands begin to form even more sweat. I knew it was rude to ignore people, but if I hadn't ignored Stefan's words than I'd be crying right now. I don't know if I can handle more tears. My eyes were visibly read to the town of Mystic falls as it was.

"Kat," My mom, the Sheriff of Mystic Falls, had nudged my leg. I looked up and saw Stefan walking back to his seat. His eyes were as red as mine, if not redder. Stefan Stills, lost not only Elyssa, the girl he saved from a tragic car accident a few years back, but also the only family he had left on this Earth.

It was now my turn to say something. Standing in front of huge crowds had never been my favourite thing to do. I remember times in school where I had presentations and would hurl afterward, sometimes I never made it to the bathroom.

There was a piece of paper in front of me that I was supposed to read off of. Except, I didn't want to read it. It was personal, words only meant for Elyssa, though they were words I never spoke to her.

    "Wow," I said getting everybody's attention, which certainly hadn't been the goal I had in mind.

"This is so surreal to me, as it is for many of you as well. Uhm.... I - " And that was when the tears came, right at the moment my eyes looked down at Elyssa. Her hair flowed around her short face.  She was beautiful, something that I was jealous of since we were little kids. Dammit, I thought to myself. Everyone waited in silence for me to gather my thoughts, and wipe my tears away.

    They probably thought, oh this poor girl... or this is too young an age for someone to go through such a tragedy.

    "It feels like only yesterday that Elle and I were in her room, talking, and laughing our hearts out. This was something we always did. I didn't know there would be a last time to those rituals. Elyssa did not deserve this. She was so light hearted, and kind to everyone she met. Most importantly, she had hope for everyone. I only wish she could have been happier in her final moments..."

She was, I reminded myself. At least that's what she told me.

The Night Elyssa Died

My heart slowed as my eyes deciphered the scene in front of me. Elyssa was lying still on the couch, too still for her to even be breathing, and Stefan sat next to her on the floor. He had heavy tears rolling down his cheek while he turned towards me.

"Come here," Stefan croaked, "Now."

I rushed towards him, feeling my heavy maroon colored dress trail behind me.

"Clear your mind, and take her hand. She's just barely breathing, do it now while you still have time." What did he mean. I was in too much of a shock, and panic to form any words. All I knew was that something terribly bad had happened to Elyssa.

I did as Stefan said, her hand felt ice cold as I held it tight. I shut my eyes and began to feel myself falling. Then suddenly, I was sitting on solid ground in Elyssa's bedroom.

Everything is going to be okay Kat, "Katherine?" It was Elyssa. She entered the room, completely confused as to why I was sitting on the floor.

"Oh thank god, you're okay." I could feel my breathing return to normal, but those moments were short lived.

"No I'm not, I don't have much time, please listen to me, Stefan will explain later." Elyssa sat next me on the floor.

"Do not stop living your life, because I know you will. I know you think I've got it all but I can promise you that couldn't be farther from the truth. Please, don't blame yourself, this was my choice. Without Damon I didn't have a purpose, I couldn't breathe when he died, and now I feel like I can.

Your are one of the most important people in my life, Kat. You have changed my life, and helped me through the worst. Thank you. I hope for one day, that you will be happy. Don't give up on Stefan, give whatever is between you guys a chance, because I know someday it will become extraordinary."

I didn't interrupt once as Elyssa spoke to me, "I am happy, Kat. I am okay. I beg of you not to look for me, or try to bring me back. Wherever I'm headed, just know I have the best intentions... I love you Katherine, don't ever forget that."

And with that, her room vanished around me, and I was back in Stefan's house kneeling beside her now lifeless body.

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