EIGHT |Warmth|

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    Damon never kept any journals, not like I had over the years. Since Damon constantly moved around a lot, he never kept any personal artifacts. He wasn't as sentimental as I am. There are so many trunk loads filled with centuries worth of objects. I have many journals documenting my adventures, memories, my darkness, and my complaints. The one journal I keep close to my bedside documents my human days before I was turned. Everything in my human days was joyous. There were never any true sorrows except the occasional being yelled at by my parents, or getting in a fight with my siblings. I think that's what I miss the most, always knowing there were people related to me, knowing that I'd never lose them all, at least that's what I thought. Then when I became a Vampire, I attended every funeral of my family members, always standing far behind the trees. I left my family very young since I was turned very young. I thought I had the world at my feet. I would live in lavish apartments and homes, since I could compel people I never had to pay for anything in my life so money never concerned me.

    Look at me now. All I have is this house that been passed down through the family. It looks exactly the same as it did in the 1800's from the paint on the walls to the rugs that lay over the creaky wooden floors.

    There were no more family members of the Salvatore bloodline, it was just me, that's all it would ever be. I held a stake in my hand as I thought these morbid things. My hand lay at my side holding the only thing that could kill me. Just as I placed the stake in front of my heart ready to finish the task, Alaric came through the door. He looked panicked, and distraught in the sunlight that emitted from outside into the foyer.

    "What the hell are you doing?" He asked quickly. I turned around instantly and let the stake fall from my hand.

    He looked as if he'd been betrayed. I didn't care, the pain I consistently inflict upon those around me doesn't make me feel wrecked with guilt anymore.

    "What does it look like I'm doing." I muttered standing still in my position next to the couch.  Ric stepped forward, stupid move I thought.

    I ran towards him using my abilities, they were weak from not drinking human blood for the past few months. The only substance I've been drinking is alcohol. I didn't need food to survive, all I needed was blood. You can tell how thirsty I am just from the lust in my eyes. The more I thought about blood the more my stomach begged for what it craved.

"You look absolutely horrible." I felt the connection once again as I gazed into Ric's green eyes.

"Yeah I know." Our faces were mere inches apart. I couldn't seem to get this annoying thought out of my head about wanting to kiss him, to feel the warmth of his lips against my bitter cold skin.

"Have you fed?" He asked lightly, not mentioning what he saw me do before.

"No, not for the past few months."  I wanted to kiss him. For some stupid reason, that was completely unknown to me. I'd never felt this way before, not even with Ayble. Ayble and I had fire, burning flames only we could walk through together. Being next to Ric made me feel human again, he made me feel warmth, a feeling I'd never felt since the 1500's. I reminded myself of the ring on my hand, the one a witch made into a talisman to protect me from the sun.

"Why are you intentionally hurting yourself, Stefan. You don't deserve this misery." Oh how wrong he is. The words, meant to make me feel better had a counter effect on me. They made me furious. I deserved to feel pain. I needed to feel pain to remind me of what humanity felt like.

"1708, I tore through an entire village filled with families, 1820 I killed everyone in a hotel just for the fun of it-"

"Stefan, stop." Ric said, trying to stop me, but I didn't stop, I kept going.

"1845 I killed a woman and her children, 1920, Ken and I killed everyone in a bar we were at just because we felt like it, 1930-" A rush of warmth took over my frigid body. I stood there in awe, my eyes were closed, and my lips had been captured by a deep kiss. I didn't break away, I had no desire to ever let go of Ric's face as I kissed him harder.

After what felt like an eternity of joy Ric untangled himself from my body.

"I've been wanting to do that ever since I came back." Ric stated.

"Well I'm glad you didn't wait any longer."

Author's Note

I contemplated for a long time on whether to post this chapter or not. I felt like maybe it was too soon, or I rushed it. But, I think it makes sense. At first I felt like I should've added a chapter before this about their feelings toward each other or something but I added a lot of clues within the chapters I already posted. I hope you all enjoy this turn of events


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