FIVE |Acceptance|

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I walked to the cemetery again, to visit Elyssa. I never truly got the chance to know Elyssa which is something I regret deeply. For me to say I miss her, and for me to say I love her would be a lie. I did not, however I did believe in her, and she was my friend.

I was walking towards her grave and was just about to turn around when I saw Kat standing in front of her tombstone.

She must have heard me and immediately walked away.

"Katherine! Would you please wait!" I ran after her this time, thankfully she didn't run very far. Finally she had stopped. She was wearing a black tank top with denim shorts, and her lay loose on her shoulders.

"What the hell do you want from me." She asked with attitude. I wanted to tell her what Elyssa told me, of how I should give Kat and I a chance... I knew though it wasn't the right time. She still blamed me, and couldn't even stand to look at me.

"I understand if you are still angry with me." I said calmly. She had one hand on her hip, and her eyes had focused to the side.

"You murdered my best friend."

"Look, I know you do not wish to believe me but she killed herself, Katherine. She took the bottle and smashed it into her neck. What did you want me to do? She didn't want my help, she didn't want saving. All she wanted was to be free, you should be thankful I respected her choice." Kat's hands were shaking. I could tell I had upset her, just from the way her hands had hardened with a red film. And the way her eyelids drooped uneasily.

"I'm scared, Stefan." Tears began to fall from her hazel eyes. I moved closer to her and wiped away a few of her tears.

"She told you to give me a chance, to give us a chance didn't she?" Kat nodded carefully.

"I don't know if it's a good idea." She said bluntly before walking away.

"Me neither." I agreed.

After I told Elyssa what was on my mind I left, and went back to my house. The sun had lit up the darkened rooms through the floor to ceiling windows in almost every room of the house. I wanted to ask Ric over again, but I felt as though I were bothering him. So, I sat on my couch again staring into the fire and talking freely as if Damon were in the room with me.

Pretending was the only thing I was good at as the days past on. The occasional breeze still swept through the house, but still darkness would stalk around the walls. It would lurk in the shadows, as I once did. I grew tired of it's game, though.

The need and desperation for my brother left my thoughts stranded. I became numb, too numb to realise that I wasn't alone in this. Kat shared my anger towards the situation, even though most of it was towards me. Alaric wanted to help but I could tell he was going through some stuff in his life, more important than my problems. It's been months yet I still sit here waiting for their return as if they went on a long vacation or something. The harsh reality is that they are dead, they are not coming back. But I guess if I say that, if I truly accept that fate for them, this would be the end for me. I would have nothing left to live for.

There was an abrupt, soft knock on my door which disturbed my thoughts. I gently turned the doorknob not knowing what or who to expect to be waiting there.

"Hello, Stefan. It's been a long time..."

**Author's Note**

I haven't really been into the writing mood lately. I'm so excited for what's about to happen!!


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