SEVEN |Resolution|

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"Stefan, please let me help you. I want to help you." Ayble said calmly to me as if I were a crying baby who needed soothing. She walked towards me, unafraid and calm.

I didn't want her help, I know I need help but I certainly didn't want to get it from the one person that caused all this shit in my life.

"I don't want your help. I want you to get out of here right now, and never come back or I will kill you Ayble. I mean it." My temper had risen, I could feel the rage pounding in my chest. The veins on my face begun to form, and the sharp teeth in my mouth grew longer. I felt their razor sharp edges touching my lips.

"I left you once, I'm not doing it again." I closed my eyes and began to breathe deeply. My head began to pound as I forced the tears back. There were gallons of tears waiting to be released. My head ached from the pressure from pushing them back.

"Open your eyes, Stefan." Tears had fallen, the wall in my mind had crashed down into a pile of rubble in front of my eyes. I faced the wall so she wasn't able to see the torment on my face.

Her breath was on me again, her hand traveled up towards my face. If I turned around then she would know the agony she caused me. Holding onto the strength left in me was the only thing keeping her from knowing. Now she knew, he knew she succeeded in taking away my humanity. Ayble ripped apart of me away the moment that stake had torn through Damon's heart.

This is what she wanted. This is why Damon was gone so she could see me suffer the way she had suffered. Her games were always designed methodically so that she would always end up winning. There was no beating Ayble, no matter how many times you try, she pushes you back down.

"Look at me." I faced her so she could see the tears stripping away my flesh. As each one fell the real me was being revealed.

"This is exactly what you came back for. This was never about love, or giving us a second chance, or trying to help me. You came to see that you succeeded. Well, you did. You destroyed the only thing I ever loved on this Earth, Ayble. If you wanted Damon to suffer then you should have killed me because then Elyssa never would've killed herself, and Kat wouldn't blame me for her death. I am the one who tore heads off, your father and I both. We deserved to die. We caused families pain to no extent. So why... please," I paused and allowed my lungs to fill with air before continuing, "Tell me why it was Damon you had to kill." Ayble was dumbfounded while she stared off into my eyes. The eyes that held lust for humanity, for hope.

Ayble did something next, so fast my eyes couldn't catch her moments. The only thing clear to me was Ayble on the ground with a stake protruding from her heart. I raced to her, and as I fell to my knees I could no longer hear a heartbeat. There was no perfect synchrony between our souls any more. The only thing that filled the empty sound of our hearts beating as one was silent screams.

"No... no. Ayble, wake up! Ayble, please!" Her face became pale and her body limp. I was taken back to Elyssa, and the way she looked as her body began to shut down, and as her heart began to cease it's once never ending beat in her chest.

I remembered the touch of Elyssa's hand against mine, I remembered her words as she faded away from the Earth. I got my final moments with Elyssa, I was at peace with her death but I never got my goodbye with Damon, that's why there is still this unresolved part of his death that torments me everyday.

"Ayble? Please come back to me, baby." There would be no goodbye, no resolution. Ayble, like my brother, and like so many other people I loved and outlived will just become memories. They will no longer be apart of me, because they were taken away from me with no reason as to why.

Everything fell apart in slow avalanches as the days followed. I sat in the chair with the torn fabric, I stared into the fireplace I once wanted to throw Ayble in, and I cried the tears I never shed for Damon. All I wanted was to be alone, even though Ric would consistently persist that he come over to keep me company. He does come over, but I sit in the chair like a statue. I never move, I just let the fire burn through my eyes, hoping that it erases the painful memories hidden behind them.

Sometimes, I want nothing more than to end my pain and then I think of Damon. He never gave up on me, I owe the same to him. I will not stop, and I will not sleep till he is back in this house with me, where he belongs.

Author's Note

I'm working on my writing so I apologise if it still sucks. The story is about to take a turn and I'm so happy about it! Thank you guys for all the reads on Air I appreciate more than you know(:

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