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  THE SUN WAS shining bright outside, considering it was beyond noon and the hours had passed quickly — however, the light wasn't what woke Schmidt from a deep slumber he didn't remember falling into, but the chat in the kitchen that had a negative shade to it, resembling an argument. It was a familiar setting, so Schmidt wasn't surprised, though certainly bothered by the noises but instead of getting up, he only opened his eyes and sighed. He could remember playing True American with his roommates and Elise during the previous night, and clearly it had gotten intense, because at some point his mind just went blank and he carried no memories of what happened next. Still, he had a good feeling somewhere deep within him that caused a smile to shine on his lips as he closed his eyes again, and rolled to his side.

  It was very potential that the true reason behind his smile was Elise. Ever since he saw her at the comic store, he had been downright smitten and failed to not stare at her whenever he could, merely because her shy smile or hopeful eyes were too beautiful. He wouldn't call it love, but a level ten crush for sure. And therefore, even if he tried to convince himself otherwise, it was most likely Elise that caused him to smile as he rested on his side and threw out his arm, only to feel a warm body underneath his hold as it landed not on the mattress, but someone, indeed.

  Instantly, at the feeling of a smaller body sleeping quite close to him, Schmidt opened his eyes in shock and let them widen at the sight of none other than Elise Stevens herself, sleeping with just underwear and a flannel on — which Schmidt presumed to belong to himself. Several, dozens of thoughts burst into his mind and he went through each possibility, weighing the chances and trying his very best to think about the previous night, but when nothing came up and another minute with his arm around Elise's waist and his eyes glued to the somewhat revealed, beautiful body had passed by, Schmidt quickly jumped up from the bed and tried to be as quiet as only humanly possible.

  Bursting from his bedroom, Schmidt ran to the kitchen where all of his roommates were sitting and sipping on coffee, eyebrows knitting together at their neurotic friend, who seemed rather shaken by something they did not yet know, but knowing Schmidt, they would soon. And they weren't wrong. In a loss of words, Schmidt pointed his finger towards the door of his room, jaw dropping, but nothing came out as he stared at the counter with utmost shock written all over his face as if he had been struck with a shovel.

  "Friends, Winston — it is possible I slept with Elise last night", he finally revealed, and the reactions were exactly what he had expected — Nick spat out his coffee, while Jess let out a doubtful "Whaaat?" and Winston raised his hand in order to high-five his friend. Schmidt gave a disapproving glare to Winston, but eventually it faded away and became replaced with a smug grin, before he smacked his hand together with his friend's and silently celebrated the fact that he had done what he had wanted. Yet it felt hollow somehow.

  "I just— I don't remember a thing! I bet it was amazing. But I was too intoxicated and now, it's just... blank. And dear god, I hate it", Schmidt smacked his fist against the table, the shock on his features turning into annoyance. Jess shook her head, still in disbelief, and with that she strode over to the door of Schmidt's room and quietly peeked in to confirm that the known ladies' man wasn't just lying for a show, but telling the truth, which seemed rather real. Jess gasped and clasped her palm against her mouth at the sight of Elise on the sheets, clutching one of the many pillows against her chest while soundly sleeping with a peaceful, dreamy look on her features.

  Jess turned back to Schmidt, and closed the door before running over to the man and hitting his arms with her small, but angry fists due to being profoundly disappointed in him. They had found a great friend, and it was very likely Schmidt had screwed it up just because he couldn't keep it in his pants. And for that, he earned all the punches Jess delivered on a continuous loop until Schmidt managed to sneak away, behind Nick who lifted his hands in order to bring peace into the kitchen that was being taken over by the frustration and angry tension.

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