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  EACH DAY, ELISE woke up with a smile on her face due to the shiny ring on her finger and the loving man sleeping beside her. Not too long ago, she had been living a somewhat mediocre life — homeless, struggling with money and dealing with a heartwrenching crush and the stress that getting to know new people brought her. She was still the same old Elise, anxious and at times, insecure, but she was a hell of a lot happier now, in her own apartment with her best friends, and Comic Planet was doing better than ever. And of course, there was the fact that she was happily married to Schmidt, whom she had been absolutely infatuated with since the very beginning.

  Everything was going great. Especially when the time for their honeymoon arrived a few days after the wedding, and Schmidt told Elise to pack a suitcase so they could leave for a destination he aimed to keep a secret until their arrival. Although Elise wasn't a big fan of surprises, or traveling — and for good reasons, too — she had to admit, the thought of leaving somewhere with Schmidt sounded lovely. Once they had gotten engaged, the two had discussed their dream destinations, and it seemed they both liked the thought of visiting Northern Europe at least once in their life, so Elise expected to find herself on a plane to somewhere rather cold, but beautiful.

  Elise packed a suitcase like Schmidt had encouraged her to do, and after giving their friends big hugs and promising to stay in contact during their holiday in a place that still remained unknown to her, Elise and Schmidt left the apartment building and hopped into his car with big smiles shining on their faces. Soon enough, they had left and headed towards the airport — that was all Schmidt agreed to reveal, yet it seemed he had changed his mind as they passed the road to the airport, confusing Elise wonderfully.

  "Schmidt, I think we were supposed to make a left turn there", Elise spoke quietly, careful to bring it up, but the grin on Schmidt's face revealed that he knew exactly what he was doing. Elise gasped, eyes widening, and she started to consider the possibility of Schmidt fooling her in order to keep the end of their journey as big of a secret as possible. "We're not going to the airport, are we?", Elise continued then, turning on the seat to face Schmidt, who smiled mischievously and glanced at his wife, before returning his fond gaze to the road, causing it to turn a little less loving.

  "Oh, no, we're going to the airport. We just have to make a quick stop before we do", Schmidt winked, though it didn't make Elise feel any less confused, but in the awareness that he would only refuse to share any information if she were to question his intentions and beg for answers, the woman sighed and tried to relax in her seat. Looking ahead of her to catch a glimpse of where they were going, Elise tried to feel lucky for being able to see at all, instead of being blindfolded, and hoped to find any signs that could give her hints of their potential destination.

  However, instead of something special, they were driving through an ordinary looking neighborhood in the suburbs and eventually Schmidt slowed down towards the side of the road, in front of a cozy house. A thousand thoughts were running in Elise's mind, racing against her rapidly beating heart, but instead of making any assumptions, she just wiped her sweaty palms against her thighs and then turned to look at Schmidt with a confused look. Their eyes didn't meet, though, because Schmidt was leaning over the seat towards the back of the car and digging through his suitcase, and since Elise was unable to see, she merely waited in what she aimed to make patience, but ended up resembling the signs of agitation.

  "Whose house is this?", Elise finally found the strength within herself to speak, but she was wrong to think that things wouldn't get any more unclear, because soon enough Schmidt sat straight and offered Elise a carton with 24 eggs in it. With wide eyes, Elise stared at the carton, and then raised her stare of pure disbelief over to Schmidt, who smiled convincingly and led Elise into slowly taking the eggs despite being left in the dark regarding the purpose of them. To be honest, Schmidt thought his intentions were clear by now, but he tried to remind himself that Elise was an innocent, pure angel and wasn't used to pranks and being mean in general.

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