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SEVERAL HOURS PASSED, and Elise found herself sitting by a table alone in the afterparty of Emma and Dylan's wedding. The ceremony in the church had been very beautiful, and Elise's eyes were still somewhat red due to heavy crying for her sister, but at least the tears had ceased to flow and she was able to smile as the married couple danced on the floor. The party had only just started, and they were dancing their first dance as husband and wife, and it almost got Elise in tears again, but before she could get too sucked into the atmosphere, her attention was drawn from her sister to Schmidt, who seated himself next to the woman.

Elise tensed, though she wasn't sure how she had managed to keep calm before but now that she was thinking about Schmidt's feelings, she felt uneasy and awkward in his company. Despite having a massive, gigantic crush on him, Elise had succeeded on being a friend and therefore, wasn't any more awkward than usually, but now she let out a nervous chuckle when the man greeted her and took a sip of the champagne he had picked up from a waitress. His presence was enough to make Elise's palms sweat, and the uncomfortable feeling made her bite the inside of her cheek to unload her frustration into something, but leaving Schmidt wasn't an option. She would rather embarrass herself than run away from him — which was something she had never before thought, not even for Thomas, and she took it very seriously. She was willing to push her limits and step out of her comfort zone, just for Schmidt.

"Should we dance? I think dancing with someone else would be terribly wrong, since we seem to be so fantastic at it", Schmidt grinned once Emma and Dylan left the dance floor happily, and for a second Elise considered refusing, but his smirk was like a magnet that pulled her up to both feet along with him. Elise nodded and swiftly licked her dry lips before taking Schmidt's hand and allowing him to lead her to the floor, as a rather slow song started to play from the speakers.

The undeniable attraction between the two pulled them close, and they ended up swaying along the music body to body, which was a familiar feeling, yet still so breathtaking and amazing. With a sigh, Elise lowered her head to Schmidt's shoulder and they continued to waltz around the floor amongst dozens of other people, but much to her delight, the crowd didn't suffocate her like it usually did. Because even if the unsolved feelings that lingered between Elise and Schmidt caused her to feel somewhat uneasy, his gentle hold, familiar scent and calming presence still brought her relief and safety.

"You're right", Elise chuckled, "we are pretty fantastic at this", earning an equally soft sound from Schmidt, who held her just a bit tighter and melted a tad closer.

From aside, Cece and Jess were staring at the two as they danced closely on the floor, not caring about anyone else, and frankly it made the both of them sigh in admiration, hoping that one day they could have that too. It was pure happiness and adoration towards each other, but the thing was, neither of them knew about their feelings and that was what Cece and Jess were for — to bring the two together, and make them confess their love for each other, which was obviously right there, yet both failed to acknowledge it in the air.

"They're so cute, look at them. Makes me wonder whose wedding this really is", Jess sighed and smushed her hands against her cheeks, while Cece nodded in agreement and pointed out their desperate need to do something. Jess had tried to not get involved, but obviously something had to be done, and when Elise nor Schmidt seemed to be the ones to kick it off, the two women would take matters into their own hands.

"Okay, you talk to Schmidt and I'll go talk to Elise. We need to make them see how in love they are and how they need to tell each other, yeah?", Cece suggested, and Jess nodded enthusiastically before they stood up, and marched over to the dance floor to interrupt the intimate dance of theirs. As much as they hated to break the lovely moment, it seemed like the right time in every other way, and therefore Cece tried to push the guilt in the back of her mind as she grabbed Elise's arm and caught her attention.

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