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"TWO HOURS, ELISE. Nervous yet?"

With a smile, Elise shook her head at Cece and assured that she was more than fine. Admittedly, she had been a mess before but now, on the day of the wedding, she felt surprisingly calm and she was willing to go through anything, just to be with Schmidt in the end. After getting her light, but stunning makeup ready, Cece was questioning her well-being and making sure she was still fine with getting married in only a few hours, but Elise seemed just dandy. She was happy and relaxed, despite having a chaotic bunch of relatives and friends worrying for her, but she had promised not only Schmidt, but herself to be calm and cool. So far, she was succeeding quite well, too.

"Are you trying to freak her out?", Emma teased from aside and nudged Cece before taking a seat next to her sister, who was more than glad her family had made it to Los Angeles safely. Elise wanted them all to attend, from her mother to her father despite their divorce, and of course, they had showed up to give their daughter all the support they had to give. Emma and her husband had even helped Elise and Schmidt with finding the venue, and now, they were preparing the couple for an outdoor wedding in a stunning garden before heading indoors to a cozy barn they had decorated beyond beauty.

Elise laughed, and shook her head at both Emma and Cece, who smiled at the bride happily. "Don't worry, I'm okay. No more nervous breakdowns for me. Besides, I bet Schmidt is just as calm. Now, shouldn't we get started on my hair soon?", Elise returned the smile, and all three laughed before calling May to do Elise's hair like she had promised.

However, Elise was a bit wrong on one thing. Because Schmidt was the opposite of calm.

Whilst Elise remained relaxed, Schmidt was losing his mind in his own room and Nick, Winston and Coach were trying their best to calm him down. But instead of succumbing to their attempts, Schmidt was screaming and running around the room whilst Nick chased him with a tie, still wondering whether to help Schmidt get dressed or strangle him with it. All the men had expected Elise to have a meltdown, just because being nervous and anxious was a part of her personality, but instead, it was Schmidt who went crazy and tried to run out only to be stopped by one of the guys.

"C'mon, man! You want to marry Elise, don't you?", Winston tried, but Schmidt ignored him coldly and continued to pace back and forth the room, tugging on his collar to cease the feeling of terrible discomfort swallowing him whole. His forehead was covered with beams of sweat and his breathing had grown rapid, along with his heart that was this close to bursting through his chest, unable to handle the pressure. Schmidt had lived in the belief that he was going to be fine, and getting married would be a dream come true but right now, he was strongly reconsidering everything due to the fear that had built within him ever since the situation in the wedding dress shop. He had calmed Elise down, but since then, he had started to doubt if he could do it.

Frankly, Coach had had enough and confidently, he walked up to Schmidt and stood in front of him. Stopping in his tracks, Schmidt looked up to Coach and opened his mouth to say something but he didn't have the time, when Coach had already slapped him across the face. Gasping due to the sharp pain that spread out in his face like a wildfire, burning him to a point where he crouched and groaned out loud, Schmidt was unable to believe that his friend had actually slapped him, but he couldn't fight back when Coach had already spoken up with a sense of determination.

"Listen, bitch. I haven't known Elise for very long, but she seems amazing and you obviously agree — you proposed to her, and now, you're going to marry her. If you think I'm going to let you walk away from this, from her, and leave her heartbroken, you are wonderfully mistaken. She trusts you and loves you, and you love her, so you're going to put on that tie and smile and go out there and get married, you hear me? You're going to get that girl, Schmidt", Coach yelled, surprising everyone by maintaining the loud tone throughout the entire speech, but he hadn't earned that nickname for nothing, right?

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