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  "IS THERE SOMETHING going on between you and Cece?", Elise spoke with a careful, scared tone as she put a piece of pink cotton candy in her mouth, her eyes avoiding Schmidt's, who was sitting beside her on a small bench in the carnival. The two had gotten something to eat after they had given out all the flyers and left Cece and Robby behind, and finally found peace and time alone, giving them the chance to discuss what was between them. Only moments earlier, Elise had promised herself to drop the matter and be happy with what she had with Schmidt currently, but whenever his gaze searched for Cece or the name left his mouth, a piece of Elise's self-esteem came crashing down until the worry grew so strong within her, she had no choice but to ask.

  Leading them to the present — Schmidt nearly choked on the sweet treat he had been devouring, but as soon as the sugar melted on his tongue and he regained his breath and ability to speak, he shook his head. However, it didn't remove the initial fear that flamed in Elise's heart and caused the concerned frown on her features, mixed with insecurity and the worry that Schmidt would end up doing the same as Thomas, and leaving her because she wasn't good enough. She needed confirmation, convincing, and admittedly, she hated being so needy but Schmidt seemed to completely understand as the woman looked down and fiddled with the jacket that belonged to the Agent Carter attire she was totally pulling off.

  "Elise, no. I would never treat you like Thomas did, alright? Cece is my friend, that's all. Okay, I admit that I was trying to ruin her date back there, but when I think about who I like the most, it's you, El. And for me, there's no one better than you. You're perfect just the way you are, and there is no need to worry or feel insecure, I promise", Schmidt smiled softly and placed a hand on her thigh, feeling the fabric of her skirt while leaning closer to the woman. Elise raised her gaze and looked into Schmidt's happy, green eyes, making it impossible for her not feel the same kind of joy that pushed away the sadness in her.

  "Thank you. That's just what I needed to hear", Elise sighed in relief and rested her forehead against Schmidt's, their lips nearly touching for the second time, and even though the taste of cotton candy on his lips was a tempting thought, they let the moment slip through their fingertips, and before they could meet in the middle in a soft kiss, Nick had run to them and intervened what was going on.

  "Nicholas!", Schmidt spat in annoyance as he pulled away from Elise, shooting the man a profoundly enraged stare, and if looks could kill, Nick would be gone by now. Despite having what was almost a kiss interrupted, Elise smiled, and let Nick speak once he had glared at Schmidt with equal irritation. It amused Elise, how the two occasionally bickered over the most trivial matters yet in the end of the day, they were the best of best friends and fit together like two puzzle pieces. They completed each other, and that was something Elise aspired to have, perhaps with Schmidt himself. Alright, most definitely with Schmidt.

  "Sorry guys, but I promised Jess we'd go to the Haunted House and I don't want to go alone anyway so... Let's go", Nick nodded towards the old, gloomy building that was none other but the infamous Haunted House, and Elise grimaced with discomfort at the idea. She was easily scared, and very sensitive too, so the thought of doing something as frightening as what Nick was suggesting wasn't ideal, and completely out of her comfort zone.

  "Uhm, I'm not sure if I'm brave enough to do that", Elise admitted with blush creeping to her cheeks, and Nick was about to open his mouth to assure that he was just as scared, which was why he needed someone to go with, but Schmidt was quicker and took Elise's hand to give it a comforting squeeze.

  "Don't worry, I'll protect you", Schmidt promised, but instead of gladly agreeing to the idea, Elise sighed and shook her head while standing up. Schmidt and Nick were both rather surprised by her reaction, but it wasn't that she didn't like the offer, just thought Schmidt had something else he needed to do.

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