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  ALTHOUGH ELISE WASN'T much into exercising, when Winston asked her to accompany him on a jog the next morning, she decided to go for it, and agreed. Along with the workout playlist she had once made, but never used, the fact that things were going very well with her and Schmidt, gave her the boost and motivation she needed. After her morning tea and a surprisingly healthy breakfast that consisted of müsli and fruits, she and Winston waved their goodbyes to the other residents of 4D and escaped into the fresh air, to the already somewhat familiar streets.

  She couldn't deny that the current situation she stood in with Schmidt, was rather pleasant. Of course, she dreamed of so much more, but so far it seemed that Schmidt liked her as well and didn't just see her as some weirdo spending her time in their apartment. And she was more than fine with that. If she couldn't have Schmidt's undying love and affection, then she would settle for being friends, but after portraying his girlfriend and dancing so closely at the party, she couldn't help but feel that there was something more between them. And this time, it wasn't just her imagination, as Schmidt did in fact have feelings for her, but his not so epic love confession hadn't been heard, and so far, he hadn't found the strength to admit all those things again.

  Still, Elise was feeling good and the cheerful, positive attitude was what kept her going. She hadn't went jogging in ages, though she had once tried to do it regularly, but she had quickly fallen out of the routine she had attempted to keep up. Yet doing it now wasn't so terrible, and the sunshine that was shining on the outside, and inside her, motivated her to run past Winston and move her feet in a steady pace whilst singing the songs she was listening to. She already knew that she probably wouldn't join Winston tomorrow, nor the day after that, but at least she tried today, and that was all she considered of importance.

  "Wow, Ellie. Didn't think you'd outrun me", Winston admitted as they caught their breaths and the jog faded into lazy, slow steps. Taking out her earphones, the woman laughed lightly and nudged Winston with her elbow, which was something she had probably never done, but it felt good. She had found some great friends, one perhaps above all. Winston lifted his eyebrows when Elise just continued to smile, and the man squinted his eyes as if observing her closer. "You're in a good mood today", Winston pointed out, and Elise just shrugged whilst they started to walk back to the apartment.

  "I guess I'm just having a good day. I feel like nothing could bring me down", Elise flashed a smile, but oh how wrong she was.

  As soon as Elise looked ahead to see where she was going, her body bumped into another and she almost fell back, only for a pair of strong arms to catch her collapsing figure. With the air smacked out of her, Elise started to mutter an awkward apology while her cheeks heated up, but the worst was yet to come. Once she looked up to see the person she had stupidly walked into, her heart flipped at the sight of none other but her ex-boyfriend, Thomas Floyd, smiling down at her as if they were good friends or something alike.

  "Elise", he breathed out, nodding at her to acknowledge her presence, and managing to keep it cool and calm — however, Elise was the opposite. Shaking and stuttering, Elise looked at him with shock widening her eyes, not sure what to say, or what else to do except give Winston a pleading look, a silent cry for help. Thomas had never lost his glory, he was still the handsome man in his usual leather jacket, with the infamous smirk dancing deviously on his soft lips Elise could vividly remember kissing with her own ones. And then, their shared happiness had come crashing down, he tore her heart out and stomped on it, shattered her self-esteem and made her hate herself. So, there was that.

  "Ellie, we have to go, c'mon", Winston tugged on her arm, drawing her away from Thomas, who was still smiling, earning a disapproving glare from Winston. Elise nodded, and let Winston drag her away from the man that had only caused her misery and heartbreak, yet seemed to still have an effect on her. He was reeling her back, with a mere smile and a simple, lingering touch on her arm, and she hated it, but couldn't help it either. But she tried to remind herself of Schmidt, the one who seemed right for her, and the one she was in love with.

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